Monday, September 27, 2010

Lil Wayne - Drop the World

I like this scene because the lighting adds intensity and drama to the music video. I think this use of lighting is extremely effective and very simple. The mis-en-scene is also extremely good because it blends well with the lighting adding a mysterious and dangerous feel to the scene. I also feel the fact that the artist (lil wayne) has his back to the camera and the lightin g makes him look very shady and unknown, again i think this adds to the mystery.

I like this shot shown because it is a simple and cost effective way of adding intensity into a music video, the mis-en-scene on it's own is enough to create a sense of darkness and intensity, but the darkness of the shot also adds to the drama and feeling of mystery. 
Overall this music video is a very good video to take ideas from because it has very simple and cost effective ways of adding intensity into a music video. At the start of the music video we see lil wayne walking with a dark background and an interesting mis-en-scene which is the city. The way the camera moves to capture all the mis-en-scene which sets the scene is also very effective and is something I hope to take inspiration from. The clode up's in this music video also add another dimension of effect which adds emotion to the video and fits with the music. The use of different camera angles makes the music video seem alot more versatile and interesting, helping to keep the audience attracted to the video and not get bored. Another simple effect is the way in which the speed is in slow motion for alot of the music video, this fits in with the acrual music which is a slow relaxed song. The way that Eminem demonstrates his emotions by his movement towards the end of the video also helps to show more emotion and intensity in the music video.  

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