Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kid Cudi - Day 'N' Nite

I picked this snapshot out as I’m a huge fan of silhouettes in music videos. I feel they are very effective and gives a sense of mystery as you can’t even anything in much detail just see the outline. Also how the silhouette is in black and white which is our groups main colour scheme, so would work well for our group. This may be something we use in our music video or something of the like of this.

I feel this snapshot is an effect but very simple shot. It is simply a track shot and Kid Cudi is just follow while rapping also I like that the use of a low shot has been used as this makes him appear bigger and more powerful. I feel the most effective point of this shot is the mise-en-sense and the scenery in the background. It appears to be in the “hood” which again fits the genre of hip-hop.

I like this snapshot of the video as I feel it really fits the genre and stereotype of a hip-hop artist really well in the sense that he is trying on a suit, this suggests he has a lot of money and likes to look his best which is how hip-hop artists are seen in the media. However on the previous shot of the video it is Kid Cudi in his suit again but in cartoon, which suggests that its at "night" and he is being searched by the police which is the other side of the hip-hop genre, that they are trouble making criminals.

1 comment:

  1. This is better Arran, well done. To try and push it into a top level 3 try and apply some music video theory.
