Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eminem - Not Afraid

It starts of with Eminem standing on top of a building looking over the city quite high. The first line is "I'm not afraid" which connotes how he is standing on top of a high building and he is not scared. He is also standing on the edge showing he may not be afraid of falling this start view connotes the first 3 words of the song. Also it shows he is on his own the next lyrics which are said after that are "to take a stand" it shows he is thinking of making something change and he is not scared to do it by himself.

It then shows how high he is up with an above shot this connotes and clears to the audience is not scared and also may show he different and individual. He then goes to high in a room which is quite old and seems lonely may show how he has been trying to get somewhere in life and has kept failing; he then holds a paper in front of the camera maybe showing the audience that his lyrics mean something to him but as he throws the paper away showing maybe he is giving up and how it all normally gets thrown back into his face; showing the audience what he feels like when it happens.

The lyrics say "I'm doing this for me" they show how he is never giving up although he has been failing he will get what he wants if he don't give up. He is still high on the building rapping and showing how nobody can bring him down and how no ones option means anything to him; trying to get that view across to the audience that only your option matters and if you want to do something never give up until you succeed.

He then steps closer to the edge and the camera has a close up to high feet going closer and closer connoting again how he is not afraid justifying the lyrics of the song which he keeps singing. It then goes back to him in the room sitting on the chair with his hands on his head but then he suddenly stands up showing how he is not gonna get down from anybody and how he is strong.

Next shoot is him on the street walking maybe connoting that he is about to "make a stand" for what he believes in and nobody can make him stop; also his lyrics show that he is telling people "there not alone" they have him. A person then walks into him maybe showing how people don't take notice of him and he is going to change that now. He is then trying to cross the road but the cars keep coming so he has to stand and wait this shows what he has been like in his life he has been blocked by people so he could never show what he actually believes in. He then goes to cross even though cars are still coming because its his time to make a stand and show people what he believes in also it connotes again how he is not afraid about anything. Another point about that scene is it may show what was going on in his mind before he started to make a stand; how all the cars are passing quickly showing confusion and madness which could of been in his hand before.

He then looks into a car mirror looking at himself maybe showing how he likes how he has changed and as the lyrics says "i ain't going back to that now" connoting he is proud of what he has become and he will never change to how he was before. Looking into that mirror maybe reflecting on how much better he is with himself. Then theres a room with loads of mirrors in making sure he looks at himself the lyrics says "the black cloud follows me around" maybe connoting how he has done something that he hates and when he looks at himself it brings that memory back the thing he did is his black cloud that follows him due to the fact its inside him.

He then sees a brick in the room falls out maybe showing that he is about to break that black cloud he is breaking free away from the regrets and everything; he then divs through the mirror and he is free. It then goes to the room he smacking the bricks away and the light is coming into the room showing how is breaking free and how it seems better already as the blackness in the room is turning to light showing the black cloud is going away. the lyrics say "starting today I'm breaking out of this cage" this maybe shows how he has been stuck hiding who he really is for to long in himself and from starting to today he is going to be his true self and leave that black cloud he has been carrying from too long.

He gets out the black room and the lyrics say "it was my decision to get clean" he may be referring to drug use and how he has not been himself when he is taking them and now he is going to change for the good and leave the drugs which are the black cloud which has been with him but he has escaped now. He then is standing on the edge of what looks like the end of the world but he jumps and it is time for him "not to be afraid" of quiting and he needs to go through the pain and escape what he has become; the vision is of the world and the black cloud which makes the world look like this he is going to escape that and get back to reality.

He is then falling through the air from where he jumped it may show that he is falling away from the black cloud that has been following for ages its time for him to stand up and not be scared therefore showing him falling and his none emotional face falling with it. It also could show the downs he will go through when he quits taking drugs but then he starts flying up therefore it may show that the down is over and now it is only time to go up and raise to be the true man he is meant to be.

His lyrics then say "i feel the king of my world" this shows that he feels so much more better now he has eliminated the black cloud and it is time for him to enjoy his life. He is flying through the town he don't care no more he is who he is and he is proud of it and whats to show everyone he is no low life guy no more he is here to support his children like his lyric said "hold his responsibility as a father" this shows he is just here for his family and got rid of the black cloud due to the fact he wants to be a better father for his children.

He then fly's up and goes onto the same ledge that the video started with therefore maybe showing he is still living the same life but he is stronger and a much better man the black cloud don't exist no more, he has made his stand now he can look over the city with his head held high as he is proud of what he is now.

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