Friday, December 3, 2010

Music Posters Analysis

This is a poster from Lil Wayne. I love the cockiness of this poster, as you see he is telling his target audience he has money and showing to them by just putting money around the poster that he is rich; This is the typical attitude of a famous big time Hip-hop artist. I love this because it adds to his 'swagga' which he has to have to pull it of : swagga if you do not know what this word means it is a gangster term for a person who has a very high status and with this high status which creates swagga which creates his reputation. He has 2 pictures of himself on this poster showing 1 picture of his face when he is looking away so you see the side of him and another with his whole body looking into the camera. The way this is effective is because the way he has laid the pictures out; the 1st picture of him looking to the side just shows and create that Hip-hop theme as he has the sun glasses on but it has a black background, this just creates that he is unique and he does not care about what people think this is the typical Hip-Hop artist attitude which shows by just having that picture. On the other picture it shows his whole body this means his dress sense is shown to the audience so he needs to have some style so he keeps that 'gangster' reputation. As well on the poster you can see his tattoos which is very common for a Hip-Hop artist to have so again making the whole style and fashion of him perfect to the target audience. On the Poster he has sort of stars which are bright and shining on it; not that many but the few he has are very effective; this creates the sort of rich effect again on the poster as shining normally represents diamonds or something expensive; they have thought cleverly about this as they have placed the stars all around the money making the whole poster overall look expensive. With this it makes the poster as well look more professional as it gives the perfect Hip-Hop effect on it. I like the way he has put the artist name massive so everyone looks at that first; I just love that sort of idea as that name is what people hear all the time if there his fan, that name is the most important reputation he has got, therefore enlarging that and taking advantage of this making him name stand out to draw the target audience to it just by seeing him famous name is very clever. The black background in my view makes it all look neat and better as we focus on the key features in the poster not the background; as the background is simple it just makes the whole poster look more effective. Overall this poster and some of the feature's and key skills they used I may use in my final poster as they look good and effective therefore would be good for a poster for are artist. Very professionally and good designed poster in my view.

This is Kanye West's poster. I love the colours on this poster it just gives that effect that they have spent loads of time on it and it looks amazing and so professional. There are different colours all over the artist face which just make it look so original and different to any other type of poster; it just makes you look at it due to its uniqueness and originality which i love as i hate going with an idea which people have already had and done. Kanye West has his trade mark glasses on which he has used in a few of his music videos this allows the audience to know it is him in the poster as he is 1 of the only artist who wear the crazy weird type of glasses. I love the way the artists name is in the top and the biggest writing to make it stand out as it tells the audience straight away who the artist is which is very crucial as his name is the main reputation he has with his fans therefore having it stand out makes it good as if the fans see that name they go and look at the poster. It is set in a white frame around Kanye this gives the effect that it is like a picture frame and makes the whole poster look more valid and professional. I like the white frame as it is different therefore making it unique attracting the eye of the audience due to its originality.  All over the poster there is colour making it stand out to any other normal plain poster; I like the coloured pattern below the artist name as it makes it even more unique also adding to the title of the poster 'glow in the dark' due to it being colourful he will be able to glow in the dark. The background is dark black which is perfect as the title for the poster is 'glow in the dark' and as he is totally colourful with the dark behind him it represents how he is glowing in the dark. The font for the title is sort of space like as it is not normal but you can easily read it; I like this because it shows that they didn't want to just go with the simple but easy idea of simple text they wanted to make a text which could be reed and also notice as unique all in one. The other featuring artists are at the bottom of the poster but in clear text so you can see it easily; this is good because as the audience look at the unique designed poster they notice that at this 'Gig' or what ever it is; that there are other performers who they know and like it might increase the ticket sells making the poster even more effective. Over all I believe this poster is absolutely amazing in my view; the type of idea they have thought of is so creative and it is incredible how they managed to create such an effective poster. I would love to use some of these techniques in our final poster. I am not that good at using the programs such as photoshop to make this type of high quality poster therefore making it quite hard to take ideas from it but on the other hand simple ideas such as large artist name would be easy to use on our album over. 10 out of 10 I believe.

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