Saturday, December 4, 2010

Music Posters Analysis

Music Posters
Here are two Hip-Hop music posters I have analysed. I have chosen to dot his so I can get an idea for what the poster should look like and what sort of conventions it should include. Also this allows me to gain ideas and inspiration for my own poster so hopefully it will be easier to make as these posters will give me ideas for my own.

This is Jay Z's tour/album poster for his album 'The Blueprint 3'. I really like his poster as clearly a lot of thought has been put into the design and creation of it. If you are a fan of Jay Z or you had already bought/seen his album you would know that he has designed his poster in a a very similar theme to his album. I think this is very important as people might only take one quick glance at a poster so it is important that they can look at a poster quickly and see what it is advertising so then hopefully they will want to buy it. There are some clear poster conventions on this poster; the artists name and album name, the release date/tour date, a contact website and number, the album production company (roc nation) and also a picture of the artist. All of these things are visible almost immidetely which helps the audience to know and clearly see that this is a poster for a music album. Also there a quite a few Hip-Hop conventions within this poster; we can see the colour scheme is quite simple and has only stuck to a few man colours; red, black white/grey and all of these colours are all quite Hip-Hop. Also we can see Jay Z looking quite 'cool' in the picture and not really showing any emoticion which is a charcteristic we might usually associate with Hip-Hop artists. This look is all about being cool, having money and not really being bothered or phased by the people and teh goings on around you. Also I would say that the fonts used in this photo are all quite plain and bold which again are big Hip-Hop chareteristics as you dont want a really fancy font like you might assosciate with pop or rock but at the same time you don't want a too simple font that could be mistaken for more classical music.

This is Nelly's album poster for his album 'Nellyville' note: not part of poster. I really like how the idea behind this album cover is very simple but it looks really effective and professional. Again like Jay Z's poster this poster is in the exact same style as his album cover is has simply been resized and different text has been added to it. This again helps make sure that the album can be linked with the poster and therefore is easy for the audience to make the connection.  Also like Jay Z's poster there are lots of clear cut poster conventions; Artist and Album name, release date, picture of the artist and  a contact website. All of these elements are necessary for the poster to show that it is advertising a music album and not just a picture of someone. Nelly has also stuck to some clear Hip-Hop conventions such as; keeping a clear colour scheme of dull yellow, white and black. Again we can see we aren't flooded with lots of bright colours but at the same time it is not completely dull like rock/metal poster might be. Also Nelly has chosen some strong bold fonts which again are very fitting with the Hip-Hop image as they are clear and stand out with out being to showy. I think the final major Hip-Hop element is the picture of Nelly himself, this is a really good picture and has obviously been planned. Nelly is looking just past the the audience if you are looking at the picture face on so he is not making direct contact or paying any attention. He has he head slightly titled and some shadow added onto to his face he is almost giving a look that isn't very aggressive but suggests you maybe shouldn't mess with Nelly. I think although this style of pose might not be welcomed in other genre for people who like Hip-Hop they are usually looking for confident artists who don't really care what other people think and worry about there own success and achievements.

From this posters I have gathered some clear conventions of both Hip-Hop and posters themselves also I have noticed how they tend to use simple effects but really plan them out to make sure that they look effective and professional. I will use the ideas and conventions I have gathered from analysing these posters and add them into mine.

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