our target market is generally for people at the age of around 14 to around 30. However most of our target will be in there late teens as these will be the people who take an active interest in new music the most. This picture is a stereotypical hip-hop fan. As you can see his clothing is very similar to our music video's clothing, and the clothing brand will also be very similar. The target market will mainly consist of males however there will be some females in there too. Our target market also influenced us on how we would advertise our music video. This is because they are very up to date with technology and use social networking sites such as twitter and facebook.They are also into creative posters and good artwork which is why we have tried to create artistic album covers and posters. Research has shown that racial similarity, and shared knowledge both have positive effects on the target market and can have an increased influence on them. This is why we have used 'Grim' as our artist as he is similar to the actual target market. Our target market is fairly broad, this is a good thing because it means our music video will be more successful and have more fans, which means a bigger fan base and easier to sell our music video.
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