Thursday, October 21, 2010


For our music video we have used several props we have tried to stick to a minimal amount of props as they are expensive to get hold of good ones and fake props can have a bad effect on the video. We have used some props however as these were easy to get hold of and we felt they would have a good impact on our music video in terms of it looking realistic. One example of using cheaper props, without loosing the authenticity of using more expensive props is with the cigarettes. Instead of buying the expensive ones we brought tobacco and rizler and made them ourselves, this on it's own saved us a fair bit of money. Another way of reducing cost was that instead of buying things such as the black bag, we looked around our houses and found one which is exactly what we were looking for!

Another way we have kept the props cost efficient is with the clothing. As we all dress similarly to the artists and genre of music we are going for, we have the same brand clothing as the genre. This enabled us to use our own clothing in the music video, however we made sure that the clothing was brand new or was in very good condition, as you don't see music video's with worn out or old clothing in it. We have also borrowed appropriate clothing of our friends to get the best and most suitable clothing possible in a low cost and efficient way. We also had things such as poker chips already and didn't need to acquire any. Props that we have to buy full price are things such as spray cans, because none of us have any.

1 comment:

  1. Can you add a few pics Josh.

    Remember to explain your role as camera man, how will you shoot these 'cheaper' props to make them look more convincing?

    Also try and do a 'prop list' and write who is responsible for them so that everyone knows what to bring and when.
