Sunday, October 24, 2010

Filming Draft (Part 2)


This is use taking out the shoes which we needed for are shot while Arran is changing clothes. As you see we had a lot of shoes which was needed in this bit. Overall we used about 11 pairs of different shoes.

This is a picture of me and Mikey testing the position which Arran needs to be in for this shot of him changing clothes. We tested the camera and position before we started because we wanted to save are tape and allow us to do this shot in 1 take therefore saving us time.

Arrans hand had to stay in the same place while he changed his t-shirt therefore he had to move his hand out of place, We used a sheet of paper to mark where his hand was therefore it looked better and his hand was perfectly in position for this next shot with a different t-shirt on.

Again this is with his shoes this time but he needed to change his shoes every time we changed a shot therefore we needed to mark it again to make sure his shoe was in the rite place for the nest shot; we used a piece of paper to mark where his shoe had to go for the next shot.

This is a shot of Mikey setting up the camera for position to film. He needed to make sure it was in the correct position because if it was not the film would look rubbish and not allow us to make are music video to the high standard we want to. He is just checking the camera is working correctly.

This is Mikey dressing around and making sure his t-shirt is on correctly due to the fact we wanted to get this shot done as quick as possible therefore he needed to change his shirts quickly which Mikey and Josh S helped him with.

This is Mikey arranging the shoe order for the shoe shot making sure Arran could change shoes as quick as possible. I was behind the camera and thought it made it look good taking a picture through the video camera as it is different.

This is me making sure Arran hand was in the correct position for the shot; as you see i had another t-shirt in my hand ready for after this shot quick change and film the next shot. This makes it quick and easy therefore completing the shots quicker saving time.

This is a picture of Arran in position as we are about to start recording the shots. As you see we made sure his head and hand where in the correct place. We planned it all out before we even starting record to make it look more professional and better quality

This is a picture of me looking for the hat which was needed for a shot. I eventually found the hat and Mikey took a quick picture of me getting it out the box. As you see there is 4 boxes each hat is a different colour these all were used for the music video.

This is a picture of me putting Arran hat on correctly as it is vital that the props are on correctly. As you see me placing the hat on Arrans head then i adjust it to make it look perfect for the shot.

This is Arran and Mikey getting all the rest of the props which were needed for the music video;As you see the room is full of clothes everywhere and is a mess all of those clothes were used within the music video and were a vital feature which was needed to add the theme we wanted.

This is a picture of Arran packing all the props away as you see his draw is now neat and tidy again and is a job well done. The clothes shot was effective and done to a high standard which we wanted so a successful day.

Uploading the Photos
This is the phone which I used throughout the whole media video. It allowed me to be able to take pictures to a high quaility and showed where we worked (location), pictures of us filming and overall gave us images which we could upload with ease.

This phone allowed the picture to be able to be uploaded onto facebook therefore we could insert and talk about which pictures we want on the blog via facebook. This made sure no images we did not agree on went up on the blog making the whole team overall happy and making it more of a team project.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Josh. Clearly explains the production process. The hat and tshirt sequence still amazes me.
