Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Audience Feedback On The First Draft

We wanted feedback from are first draft so i asked a couple of my mates to leave what they thought about are first draft on my Facebook post. This was good as it allowed us to see what they thought was good and bad about the draft. It is a different way to get feedback and we are going to try to use different methods to get feedback therefore making it different techniques methods within are blog making each feedback post different.

As you see what got good feedback from our mates. This feedback we took into place and have written these bits which need to be improve for are target audience. In my view the best feedback we got was from Kenan Waters as he expanded on what he liked and what he thought we needed to change. As he said we need some more shots as the tempo is to quick to not have many shots within the music video we took this on board and have thought about inserting a few more shots within it. Feedback shows we do need to record the bits again as it is not perfect which we want the music video to be therefore filming again is a MUST. Another point was about the smoking scene as one feedback comment said we need to improve it; this shot is not the best and looks bad as are idea was hard to do. Therefore we need to film that shot again and create the picture we wanted to do on the storyboard of the smoke going up in the air and then Arran appears. We got good feedback which made us happy as the transitions went down really well with the feedback and they said they really liked that. The changing clothes bit was good as well this idea are whole group really liked therefore i am glad that it went well. Overall i'm happy with the feedback we got; we weren't happy with are first draft as we had issues which were out of are control therefore this feedback helps us be able to create a much better draft 2.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great idea Josh. I'll recommend that other members of the class do the same. Mrs Somel and I will add feedback to your blog later this week.
