Monday, October 4, 2010


This is the questionaire for my target audience to see what they like and give us ideas for are final project. i will explain about the questions and why we decided to have such a question in are questionaire. Also all my questions are closed so it is easy for us to put in pacific results and generalise easily.

1) Are first question is needed to See weather there part of are target audience or not; it eliminates people option who do not enjoy are type of music therefore making it easier to generalise the results and also making it reliable and helping us in the long run with what are audience prefer.

2) The next question tells us if there female or male who is answering the question; this is needed so we get a all round women and men research on what they like. we are gonna get 75 % men and 25% women due to the fact more men like are kind of music in genral then women therefore needing there option more.

3) The next question tells us how old the person who is answering is; therefore we can see what different types of ages like, therefore making an overall video for all sort of are ages target audience. This makes it overall better and general to all sorts of different types of audience.

4) The next question we needed to see if these people actually like and enjoy watching music videos. We want a general of people who do love videos and also who don't normal watch it and dislike them; therefore we can see ideas from people who know what sort of thing is in normal music videos and also some other unique ideas from the people who don't watch them. Therefore this could give us original ideas for are video.

5) The next questions asks them what they like to see in a music video and gives them a choice of a couple of answers; this makes it easy to generalise and easy to put in pacific results. The results gives us a idea of what the target audience want in are video to make them enjoy watching it and make it overall amazing. In this question they can tick more then 1 box.

6) The next question is seeing if the audience like a storyline to a music video or just random. We needed to know what are audience liked as we were in mixed emotion about this matter therefore finding out if they prefer a storyline or not making it easier for us to decide.

7) The next questions asks it they prefer a cartoon music video or a real person 1st person music video; we were thinking about having a little bit of cartoon in it but we didn't no if the target audience would get it and understand whats it about. So we decided to insert it into are questionaire and see what are target audience prefer.

8) The next question is if the target audience like special effects in the music video or not this will allow us to decide weather we should include little special effects or not. This allows us to make an overall enjoyable video for are target audience and makes them happier.

9) We wanted to know whether we should include lots of lighting effects in are music video with these result we can base the lighting on what the target audience prefer and like therefore attracting all of the target audience. Also overall making it more relevant for them to watch.

10) We had a few songs in mind for each one of these artists and we wanted to decide the song based on who the audience thought what the best artist. With these results we could pick a song which is valid and good for are music choice and with this research we can decide clearly.

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