Sunday, October 3, 2010

Market Research

Our group knew straight away which genre of music we wanted to do for our music video, mainly because it’s our favourite genre, which is Hip-Hop. We knew all had many clear ideas of what we wanted to do but all very different. We all had come up with many different songs which we all agreed could work very well for our video but will all felt we needed to get opinions from people outside of our group.

The target age for Hip-Hop is around 16– 25 years ago. This works out well for us as that’s out age range and all have many friends in that age range which we then asked for their thoughts about our ideas. We had all suggested a few songs to each other and none of us could agree or settle on just one song so to decide on what song we were going to do we thought we would do a few tests. The first thing we had to do was check the length of each song we didn’t want our song to be too long or too short as it turned out most of the songs were around the same length so this didn’t really help us. The next test we had to do was see which ideas we could fit into which songs, we had already got a few solid ideas that we wanted to include in our video and also gained some ideas from watching other videos. We listened to the lyrics of each song and looked at which song could fit these ideas best at this point we had ruled of some songs but still hadn’t decided on just one song.

We had spoken to a few friends to try and get there input but we didn’t think that would be enough so we decided we would have to ask more people. We think it would be best to do some sort of questionnaire to find out exactly what the audience like in a video and see if the remaining songs can fit these things.

1 comment:

  1. Arran. Good stuff, but you are going to need some evidence of this audience research. Similarly you need to clearly identify who you are aiming your product at.

    Sophie Waite has done this (as should you have done at AS)
