Friday, September 24, 2010

Chris Brown - Crawl

This song is a great idea and keeps it simple but gets the meaning across to the audience. The first shoot is him holding his arm across his body and is a low shoot just on his lower body; this shows that he is hurt and that he may he hiding his emotion to the camera, this creates and shows the audience that this stage in the song is emotional and creating that feeling over to them. This is a good idea because it sets the type of emotion from the go just from his body language, we are going to use this type of technique at the start and all the way though are music video because it sets the scene of emotion either if it is happy or sad and shows the audience therefore avoiding confusion.

The camera work also shows the emotion of the song when the camera is above him showing he has no power and is weak due to the fact of his sad emotion. His heart is red and pumping showing he is singing with his heart and it means a lot to him; maybe it is significant for his love. Also it keeps going outside and showing the audience the weather out there maybe showing how he is feeling inside, which is cold and wet like the weather being shown.

A great way they showed emotion at the start was when Chris brown said “i hope you haven't said it to” looking straight into the camera for the first time showing he means that line and it shows how emotional and important it is that the girl of his dreams wants him. It goes to the girl he is singing about and behind her is a bright light which may show his happiness when he is with her and it lights him up, instead of the cold feeling he is having at the moment.

It then goes outside and they are all taking pictures of her and how much attention she is getting maybe showing he believes and thinks he is not good enough for her; also it shows her getting in the car driving away from him showing that it is his last chance to try to get her and tell her how he feels. As well as he is walking away from the situation showing maybe he has gave up on her but her look as she looks back shows she feels something for him back and he has got a chance.

The weather is snowing on him showing how he is cold inside without her; maybe showing his confusion in his head also as snow falling shows all the thoughts in his mind. Shes walking in the same direction which shows it is meant to be as they have bumped into each other 3 times now. Now he is above the camera showing he is happy and no longer sad as; this shows the whole song was about the girl and shows how much he likes her. The smile on his face when he says goodbye shows his happiness and his dancing shows that the girl is his ideal girl.

Then the scene suddenly goes to the dessert which is hot and sunny; this now shows what he is feeling like now, happy and warm inside. It shows how this girl can change his emotion from cold and snowy like the scene earlier to warm and happy like the desert. He then looks into the camera and holds his heart and covers it showing his heart is taken and she has got it no one else can take it away from her.

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