Sunday, October 31, 2010

Changes From The Draft To Final

We weren't happy about of draft, as it was not up to the standard we wanted are media work to be. We decided we needed a change to be able to make it to a high standard music video so we started to plan what we needed to change through out are music video. We also had a meeting with are teacher to ask what she thought about changing the idea and she was completely agreeing with out group decision.

We all came together and discussed are idea and what we liked about it and what we thought we needed to change. With us in this meeting was are media teacher who gave us the advice of just doing 1 character and making it simple and easy to understand; we took this idea on board and discussed it as a whole group and came out with the chose of just using 1 artist.

We did this as our idea was to complex and hard to understand if the viewer didn't read the blog first which the marker does not. We also did it because it would be easier for us to film and complete it to a high standard. We took out the idea of him dreaming he was someone else as it made no sense. We just have him as 1 person where he has 1 fun and exciting side and then has 1 boring working side which he doesn't like; with this it is simple and easy to understand therefore taking out the confusion which may happen if we left it to the other idea.

Our Draft was not fully complete so i will just talk about what we changed with what was done on the draft.

Our draft had 2 people who played the same artist; one was the dream and what he wanted to become but he could not so he imagined he was him. The other one was him living his normal and boring life which he hates. We came together and decided to change this idea as after are meeting with our teacher it brought us back to reality and made us understand that simple is sometimes better then complex. So we cut one character out of the music video and keep with only one keeping it simple.

In the draft we had Arran walking up to the wall and spraying the wall; this needed to be changed as Arran is not in the music video no more. So in the Final music video we had Josh walk up to the screen and spray over the camera making it black this is good because it was easy to do and it look effective; it also is set at night and in quite dark lighting making it set the scene and realistic. Also it was on a white wall making it look more professional and better.

Our whole opening beginning for our draft was not up to the standard we were expected to perform at therefore this time we wanted to make a start which was up to the standard we wanted. In the draft we had him stopping the can and walking to the camera lip syncing this look very basic and had no relevant to the song at all therefore we cut that idea out completely. In our final music video we had Josh wake up and get out of bed getting ready for work as a normal boring day which he lends; he starts brushing his teeth while lip syncing in the mirror which just creates the realism of a normal working day.

In the Draft we had Josh putting his hood up outside and it turns to Arran putting his hood at the same sat in the poker room; it has Arran pushing his chips in back and forth which is reserved a couple of times which go with the lyrics 'last, last, last' and then there is a whip pan shot of the poker table. In our final music video we decided to keep it simple and as Josh reaches for the shaving foam and then cuts to the poker table. He then lip syncs for a while looking into the camera then as it did in our first draft he pushes his chips into the middle and it rewinds back and forward; what it different with this bit is that Josh is lip syncing all the lyrics within this section which was needed to show the audience the artist. Also as he pushes the poker chips into the middle the shot is different to the draft and is way more effective as you can actually see the poker chips rewinding. Also the mise en scene on this scene was fixed as the draft did not have a hip-hop theme which was needed; in the final we had football shirts in the background and also a white wall all the way round the room making it simple and easy to film without worrying really about the mise on scene. In the draft in did a pan shot which was very effective and we keep the same idea in are final music video as it looked effective and good.

In our Draft we didn't even film the next bit in our draft as we didn't have time due to the facts we were all busy with important things at certain times. In our final music video we had Josh lip syncing sitting on his bed and then standing up and walking into his wardrobe then when he walked out he was fully dressed. This is effective as it shows that we can do some complex ideas within are music video also it makes it look more professional. In our Draft we had Arran changing clothes when he moved but in it he was very sad and unemotional. In our final music video we took this idea again but as there is only 1 character now we had to do it on Josh; we had much better lighting in this scene and made it look much better. When he was changing clothes we made him dance and look happy making it effective. With the draft he didn't lip sync after the changing clothes which we wanted to do; so in are final music video after the hats changed we made him carrying on lip syncing this is good because it carries on the story of the music video and does not change the scene it keeps it simple and better. He then pulls out the phone as the lyrics say 'hold the phone' this is perfect for us to be able to cut and change as when he says hold the phone he we can change the scene; this makes it easier for us to make the transactions smooth.

The other main bits we changed from the Draft to the Final music video was the bit where Arran was in bed with a girl then we cut it to Josh being on bed by himself and getting out; this was a terrible scene and looked very bad which we hated as it was not up to the standard of work which we expected. We changed this scene to Josh in bed by himself miming the words to the song while looking at a picture then he falls asleep and the picture is Josh miming on it; this is effective as it shows what skills we can do within media and we are showing of the little complex features we can do.

The last bit we changed from the draft was Josh sitting on top of a container by himself lip syncing, he then lights up a fag and blows the smoke in the air and Arran appears next to him. We changed this because we were not aloud to include this in are video as smoking is not allowed; also as we took Arran out of it we had to change that scene anyway. We changed it to Josh getting dressed into his smart suit, putting his shirt on, trousers and tie while lip syncing; then he is getting ready in the mirror again making sure he looks smart for work and doing his tie up. This is effective as it shows his boring side of his life making it clear to the audience that he has a boring side and a fun side.

This is what we changed from our draft; in fairness we changed most of it as we were not happy at all with our draft it was not up to the standard we wanted and also it was too complex. Overall i'm very pleased with what we have changed and we have managed to turn it round to be a very good music video.

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