Saturday, October 30, 2010

Working With Feedback

After receiving feedback from our friends and our teachers we now have lots of things to work with for our next video. The feedback has really helped us because it has given us a chance to improve our video so it is better for the audience. I will now list all of the feedback we have received for our first draft and explain how it has helped us and what we into to do with the feedback i.e. change shot, improve editing etc.

Bad Points
- The bed scene it is clear that two men are lying in bed together, I don't think this is not the effect you intended to create. - This will be an easy problem to fix as we couldn't get hold of our actor for the draft video but we will make sure she is in the next video.

- Concept not realised looks like two people playing similar roles it is not clear that the two actors are meant to be the same person. Possibly change the hoodie clip so he seems to morph into other actor. - This will also be easy to fix as in our draft we missed out some clips and one of those clips is a shot of the two characters dancing then CCTV showing him on his own so this will make it clear there is only one real person.

- Mise en Scene needs improving in the poker shot there is clearly a china cabinet in the background try to set up a more Hip-Hop styled theme for your music video. - We are going to fix this problem by changing the setting of the shot for the poker scene or by moving things out of the room and making it look more Hip-Hop.

- Parts are missing you will need to make sure that these are included for your final video as it could be missing some key clips. - We will be filming our next video on a brand new tape and make sure we don't watch it back until we edit it to make sure we cannot write over what we have already filmed.

- Some continuity errors for example when walking past the camera at the start of the video he walks one way and then the wrong way in the next shot. - We will film these shots from a different angle so the two shots match up and then the actor can walk in the same direction twice and we can just move the camera.

- No smoking if your video was to go on MTV it wouldn't be allowed due to the smoking clips. - We are going to cut these shots from our video and maybe replace them or extend other scenes in our video.

- Not many shots more action needs to be happening on the screen as the song is quick in tempo. - We are going to add lots more shots for each scene to pick up the tempo and try and match the beat of the music.

Good Points
- The clothes changing shot is very good and the changes are almost flawless the arm seems to stay in the same place throughout.
- Good lip syncing it looks very clear and fits in time very well with the music.
- The poker scene is also very good there is lots of room here to develop your music video try to make this scene longer as it could be a very good one.
- Good general editing and filming the quality of both is quite good throughout the video.
- The cuts from each scene look very good and over flows quite well.

We will also try and maintain everything we have done well in our video and try and improve everything as much as possible to produce the best video we can.

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