Monday, November 8, 2010

Final Casting Actors

This is Josh he was the main charcter of the whole music video. We choice him because he fits the Hip-hop style also as he is black it is a typical sterotype of a Rapper therefore making it all look more realistic and overall more effective because he fits what the target audience expect. We also choice Josh because he is very good at lip sycning allowing us to be able to film the scenes without any re-takes and making then whole music video better as the lip syncing has to be good. We also picked him because he good pull of the style we have for the Hip-Hop fashion without looking stupid or a wannabe; thsi is effective because it gives him that 'swagga' i was talking about when analysising Lil waynes poster. Its all about swagga in the Hip-Hop culture therefore he fits in that part perfect making it all overall look a realstic music video. He was very focued for the whole task and did'nt mess around at all allowing us to film it all and give us more time to edit giving us time to messa round with the editing and make it perfect. He is very confidant and never got shy therefore he was perfect for this charcter as he would have to dance, brush his teeth, pretend he was asleep while lip syncing for the whole project; if he was shy it would be much harder to get the main charcter to do this. Overall i am very happy with Josh being the main charcter as he did a amazing perforance and enhanced our grade because he did everything we wanted him to do.


This is Arran he was an extra in the music video. We choice him to be in 1 scene which was the poker scene; we needed about 4 people altogether for that scene and we thought he fitted and dressed like the Hip-Hop style we needed. We told him to dress up to the genre; this was needed to add the mise en scene to this shot. As he only performed in 1 scene he didn't have much to do but what he did do within the music video was very effective and made the poker scene look more realistic. He had to act like he was playing poker and just seem like the camera was not there and it was real life; this he did to a high standard and without hassle therefore allowing us to move on to the more important scenes quicker and easier. In my view he did a job well done and I'm very happy with how he acted, dressed like, and behaved in the awkward situation of acting with out any past experience.

This is Josh N he was also an extra in the poker scene. He was 1 of the 3 extras we got to be included into this scene. We choice Josh as he is quite Hip-Hop looking anyway for example his Afro, skin colour and dress sense so we thought he would fit well in are scene. He had to again pretend he was playing poker with Josh while he lip synced. Even though it sounds like a easy task to do it is not due to the factors of not being able to laugh in the situation also without any past experience acting before he handled it amazingly well and did it with 1 take making us save time to do the rest of the music video. The whole task he handled maturely and did not mess around and avoided temptation to laugh at several moments. He took it seriously which i liked as it made the whole process of doing this poker scene easier for the whole group. Also without him half the extras would not be able to get to the location as he picked them up to help this scene. We also told him to dress to a Hip-Hop culture which he did and made the mise en scene better and more effective for our music video. Overall I'm very pleased with what he did for the music video even though it looked a small task it is quite tricky for a member who has never acted before therefore i am very happy with how he acted.

This is Stu he is the last of the extras we used for are music video. He had to act on the poker scene and pretend he was playing while Josh lip synced to the song which is very distracting. He manged to easily do this task without laughing and being deadly serious making this whole task quicker for us making it easier to move onto bigger tasks which may take longer. We told him also to dress up in a Hip-Hop style and make himself fit in the genre which he did effectively. Overall he acted to a good standard as he has never had any past experience before which i was very happy about. We picked Stu just because it was easy for him to get to the location as he lived very near to are set location; this made sure he could come whenever we asked him to unless he had any plans which he could not cancel. He did a very good job and after all the distractions he could of easily of feel and came out of character making us have to re-take the whole scene again which I'm so glad he did not. He dressed to how we asked him to and made a big effort for something which he got nothing out therefore I'm very happy he was included into are music video.

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