Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Shot 1: This is a  long shot of Arran walking towards the camera with a black bag in his hand. He is the dream and is about to do something which Josh would not do in his normal real life. He walking towards the camera to give the audience the effect that he is walking towards them making it seem more realstic. The black bag makes the audience wonder what is inside it and why he has it therefore creating tension within the audience. Its a long shot because he starts from far away and gets closer and closer to the camera this adds drama to the opening start. Just his foot steps are being heard in this shot which again also adds tension to it. This first open scene is without music we are just setting the scene and introducing are song with this mini start.

Shot 2: This is the same long shot but reverse angle so he is walking away from the camera. He has walked past the camera giving the effect like the audience are within the scene. He is walking away from the camera to a wall making the audience want to watch on to see what he is going to do and why he is walking towards the wall. He is walking away quiet quickly showing maybe he is in a rush to do what he wants to do. Arrans hood is up to connote he is trouble and showing what he is going to do is not good therefore trying to hide his face. He is in a black hoody as well this could connote that as black is normally seen as a evil and bad colour this is sybolic for him as he is a bad character within the music video.

Shot 3: This is a close up of Arran carrying the black bag and throwing it across the floor. This is effective as it makes a bang when it hits the floor creating drama and making the audience wonder why he has just throwen the bag down. Also showing he has reached where he was walking to making the audience wonder why he has stopped in that certain postion.

Shot 4: This is a close up shot which cuts to the bag sliding across the floor. The close up showing the big black bag connoting that as black is normal showing as 'bad' it is sybolic again for Arran as within the whole music video he in a sence is dangerous and is messing within Joshs mind. The close up shows the relevants of the bag and how it may be something important.

Shot 5: This is a mid shot of Arran walking towards the bag he just throw on the floor. This adds tension as the audience have waited and watched on just to see why this bag is so important; with him walking towards it the few steps he takes adds the drama and effect we wanted within the video; we wanted the audience to know that Arran is trouble from the start therefore making this little open entrance.

Shot 6: This is a close up of Arran reaching into the bag and pulling out a spray can, then walking towards the wall. This is effective as the close up adds tension within this little scene and allows the audience to see what he pulls out the bag. As he pulls out a item the audience would not of thought he would of brought out it adds confusion and makes them wonder why he has got that making them want to watch on to see. This gets them more into the music video lending them into the mind we wanted them to be in when the music actually starts.

Shot 7: This is a extreme close up of Arran spraying the screne but will appear like he is spraying the wall. This will be extremely close to him as it shows him spraying the camera to black allowing that sense of dangerous and madness we wanted the audience to feel for Arran. This open will make the audience characterise Arran making him out to be the crazy mad fun from the go which is what we wanted. We wanted it to appear that he is spraying the wall as it shows he went there to do that therefore eliminating the audience confusion in why he was there in the first place; also with this it makes it seem more realistic.

Shot 8: This is a long shot of Arran spraying the title of the song 'Day 'N' Nite' on the wall. Then dropping the can and walking off. This is effective because as in the last shot he has sprayed the camera it shows in here what he has sprayed the wall for; and this will be are song tittle therefore letting the audience know what the song is called and also has set the scene. He drops the can which shows again how he does not really care making the audience characterise him even more; walking of creates the sense of him leaving the shot because he has done what he came there to do.

Shot 9: (the music starts here) This is a close up of the can is rolling across the floor. This is good because it fits in with the last shot and shows as the music has started the music video is still carrying on from where it started without the music on. The cans rolling across the floor shows confusion which is all about the next character 'Josh' he is confused in who he is.

Shot 10: This is a close up as the can roles acorss and Josh stops the can with his foot. This shows and introduces the new character within the music video. He stops the can with his foot maybe showing that the confusion in his head has gone and he is back to the normal world now. just the foot stopping it makes the audience tense to see who the artist is therefore making them watch on.

Shot 11:  This is a mid shot of Josh picking up the can and puts it in the bin. As Josh is picking the can up it shows the audience he is not as careless as the other character therefore making him seem like a normal and good guy. This could also connote how he is putting his dream (as Arran is his dream) in the bin for the mean time.

Shot 12:  The lyrics begin and This is a long shot of Josh is walking down the street lip syncing. This is showing how he is the main guy in this because he is singing, Josh is the main character. The lip syncing starts from a long shot but as Josh walks closer it turns into a mid shot; this is effective as it makes the audience feel there part of this and he is singing to them as he is looking into the camera while lip syncing. 

Shot 13: This is a mid shot of Josh walking and sitting down. This shows that maybe his life is boring and he does not enjoy his normal life; sitting down connotes maybe he is thinking and wants to dream again so he gets that ultimate high he loves from dreaming and imagining.

Shot 14: This a mid shot of Josh ducking his head down and pulling his hood up. This shows he is going to try to hide his emotions of maybe depression he has for his normal life. The hood represents the shame he has on how boring his life is and tries to push it all away and live in his dream world. The ducking the head down represents him depressed and looking to the ground.

Shot 15: This is a mid shot of Arran in the same hooded top pulling the hood down and sitting up at a poker table. He is imagining his dream life now as Arran is the artist this represents and shows the audience that Arran is his sort of role model because he leads the life which Josh can only dream about. The poker table is normally seen as fun therefore this connotes into the life of Arran, fun games and entertainment.

Shot 16: This is a mid shot of Arran pushing chips into the middle of the table the shot is rewinded and repeated. He is risky and it shows he does not care as he is pushing his chips into to show he wants to go 'all in'; it is re-winded to show he would do it over and over again and also goes with the lyrics which repeat it self a couple of times. Josh is imagining winning money but Arran is doing it therefore it is not reality and all imagination.

Shot 17: This is a quick whip pan round the table. This shows that it is not real the whipping pan shot round the table is showing how Josh's imagination is messing him about therefore making the audience feel how he does in his mind which is confused. This technique always adds the dream like effect to the audience therefore they will know it is part of his dreaming imagination.

Shot 18: This is a close up of Josh sitting on a table with lip syncing. The shot after it has done the pan shot around the poker table is a close up of Josh on the table lip syncing while looking into the camera; this is effective as it shows he is out the dream state he was in and now it is real life.

Shot 19: This is a close up of Josh's money going down. This shows he is losing his money as it goes down in stages less and less. This shows how bad his life is and how he has no luck; also it goes with the lyrics as they repeat and repeat again therefore the music beat goes well with the money going down.

Shot 20: This is  a slow motion shot of Josh hitting money towards the camera. This shows Josh's frustration that he can not win any money and has no look. It also shows his anger that he can not be Arran which he dreams to be like therefore this hitting the money towards the camera allows the audience to see Josh's emotion about how his life is so boring and depressing.

Shot 21: This is a long shot of Arran dancing whilst his clothes change simultaneously. This is effective as it shows Arran having all the expensive clothes, shoes and hats which Josh can only dream of. Also it is symbolic as Josh just lost all his money and Arran won some therefore showing in 1 life the dream Josh wants to be rich and live the lifestyle of Arran, but in real life he has a normal life and he is sick of just being normal.

Shot 22: This is a long similar shot however the colour will be going down Arran s body. This is effective as it shows Arran can change his clothes to what ever he wants as he can afford it. It will start from the top which is the hat which will change colour then the t-shirt will change colour, then his jeans will change colour and then his shoes will change colour; these will all be the same colour so he looks smart and rich. Josh can only dream to be able to get these clothes therefore it is Arran who's in this shot.

Shot 23: This is a long shot of Josh walking down the street lip syncing. This shows his everyday life of walking in empty roads where nobody is there but him. This is symbolic for how lonely he is therefore his only friend is his imagination which does wonders when he thinks about it. The lonesomeness he has is why he tries to follow what Arran is like due to the fact Josh sees him as popular which he always wanted to be.

Shot 24: This is a long shot of Josh walking into the house then opening the door. This shows after his walk he just comes home therefore showing to the audience how boring his actually life is and also shows them how lonely he actually is (the lonely stoner), these are the lyrics which are played over and over again within the song are all about him.

Shot 25: This is a close up of Josh opening the door. It shows him opening the door by himself again with the amount of times he has been on his own it shows how sad his life actually is. 

Shot 26: This shot is Arran closing the door. This shows he is dreaming again ans Arran is walking into the house and shutting the door. He wants to be able to be happy which Arran is and this is why every time he is down he imagines being Arran to be able to live in his dream world because Josh has no life of his own.

Shot 27: This is a shot of Arran gestuing to a picture of his family then the camera pans towards the picture. This shows Arran has a family who care and love for him meaning he will never just be on his own. It shows that maybe Josh is jealous that he has a proper family and he does not; it is only him on his own therefore he has to dream that he has a family which if looked in depth too is very sad and emotional.

Shot 28: The camera then pans back to Josh with a sad face. This showing his emotion that his dream is not reality and he is back in his house on his own. It shows maybe he is jealous and envy's Arran for what he has therefore showing his emotion in this close up of Josh being all emotional, depressed and upset. 

Shot 29: The camera then pans back to a picture of Josh and his dog. Every single household if there by themselves most have a dog to keep them company and as its a lonely life living just on your own. This picture represents how lonely he is and how the main picture is of him and a dog shows he has no friends or family; like I said before the lyrics repeat a lot in the song (a lonely stoner) therefore the music goes well with this character.

Shot 30: This is a picture of Arran in bed with a girl. Arran is living the life, he has fun, money and gets the girls as well. Josh is dreaming of him being able to wake up to a girl and be happy for once in his life but we all know it is just a dream and his imagination is has took over his normal life again. He just wants to be happy and get away from his lonesomeness because at the moment he only has 1 friend which is Arran and he is not real.

Shot 31: This is a picture of Arran roleing over and putting the alarm on snooze. This shows he can sleep and relax all day without any stresses in the world; where as Josh would have to get up for work and a early start everyday. Josh dreams of a life where he can just have fun.

Shot 32: Arran then pulls the cover over his head and the girl fades away. He is waking up out of his dream and going back to real life as the girl fades away it shows the audience that the girl is not real and just a fragment of his imagination. The fading shows that as he is waking up she is fading away slowly making it go on time with his thoughts so just when he wakes up the girl has gone.

Shot 33: Josh is then lying in the bed all alone. He is back to reality and realises he is back on his own again and living his normal life. The bed factor of him being on his own and imagining he has a girl in his bed shows to the audience how lonely he actually is.

Shot 34: This is Josh getting out of bed lifting the cover over the camera. This shows he is blank inside and maybe the blocking of his face shows he is ashamed to be who he is. The lifting up the bed cover shows that he has to get up as well therefore showing the audience that the last shot of him pressing his alarm on snooze was him imagining. 

Shot 35: This is another clip of josh walking down the street lip scyning the music kicks in josh then looks into the camera and smiles and throws his arm down. When the music kicks in this is when he changes and he can dream of being Arran, therefore in this shot he is quite happy due to the fact its close when he can zone out of his life and pretend he is someone else. When the music kicks in he shows his happiness by throwing his hand down on the beat when it just kicks in. This shows he loves not thinking of being himself and loves just to be able to relax and dream his dream.

Shot 36: This is a picture on top of a container lip syncing. He is on his own again and he is lip syncing the words of the song. This shows that the lyrics mean something to him as they all explain about his life throughout the song. The lyrics also go with the scene and background as he is on his own; it is also based outside showing maybe he is cold inside himself like the weather and is lost with what he wants to be.

Shot 37: This is a shot of Josh sitting on the container smoking he then lifts he head up and blows the smoke into the sky. This shows by blowing the smoke up in that air that he is trying to look up in the sky and think about what he wants in life; also it connotes that when he is looking up maybe it is because he is getting happy as his dream may come on again therefore showing him looking up and not down.

Shot 38: The camera then tlits up to follow the smoke and the tilits back down again. This shows that maybe the smoke is symbolic for his dream to come on. It seems that smoking relaxing him therefore tilting up to the smoke it showing the one good thing he likes doing in his life, this may be joint with his dreams as there the only good things he loves doing.

Shot 39: This is a shot of Josh sitting on  the container with what appears to be his friend. It appears to be his friend sitting down with him on the container but then he realises it is Arran; this is good because it shows both of them in the same shot making it seem like Josh may have accepted who he is but is just dreaming of having a friend for company.

Shot 40: This is the final shot of Josh walking down the street lip syncing. He is lip syncing to the music again as it is a repeat of his day; he does this everyday and it shows the audience how is life is the same every single day. He will be on his own again as that the only thing he knows off as he has never been any different then a loner.

Shot 41: This is a shot of Arran and Josh dancing but appears to be Arran dancing on Joshs hand. This shows that Josh and Arran are the same person due to the fact Josh can hold Arran while he dances. Josh has a straight face as he is not Arran he is still himself. This may show that Arran has control over Josh as it looks like Arran is using Josh to hold him so he can dance and have a good time.

Shot  42: This is the same shot roles reversed. Josh gets to do what Arran has done due to how he is imagining he is better then Arran for a split second. As Arran is holding him and Josh dances it shows that maybe he can have a good time without being Arran. It is only the second time in the whole music video he has shown he is happy while being Josh.

Shot 43: This cuts back to shot 21 (Arran dancing and changing clothes again). This is effective as it shows Arran having all the expensive clothes, shoes and hats which Josh can only dream of. Also it is symbolic as Josh just lost all his money and Arran won some therefore showing in 1 life the dream Josh wants to be rich and live the lifestyle of Arran, but in real life he has a normal life and he is sick of just being normal.

Shot 44: This is a shot of Josh and Arran dancing together outside. Josh is having a good time dreaming he has a friend like Arran; he does want to be like him but he is starting to accept that he is himself and cant change it. He is enjoying himself dreaming that he is dancing with the his idol and role model.

Shot 45: This is the same shot but through a CCTV camera showing only Josh on his own. This shows that it is only a dream and he is imagining dancing with somebody when he is just dancing by himself. When the hype tempo beat kicks in he is always dreaming. The CCTV shows his madness and also creates realism to the music video.

Shot 46: This cuts back to shot 44 (Josh and Arran dancing together)Josh is having a good time dreaming he has a friend like Arran; he does want to be like him but he is starting to accept that he is himself and cant change it. He is enjoying himself dreaming that he is dancing with the his idol and role model.

Shot 47: This is a shot of Josh turning round and relising he is on his own. He then zones out the dream and realises he was dancing all on his own; he knows he is the same and is going to lend the same boring life he hates. But with this shot it shows his disappointment that it was not real and connotes how much his dreams mean to him.

Shot 48: This is a low angle shot of Josh putting his hood up and walking away. This is him walking away maybe showing he has realised the difference between dream and reality and he has to accept himself. on the other hand maybe he is still the same and lost in his head. This is left to the audience to decide.

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