Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Storyboard (Final)

The narrative for our video is quite simple, it all revolves around one main character (Grim) and his life. The video is showing how sometimes his life consists of boring, mundane everyday jobs and then  sometimes new, fun experiences that most people would enjoy doing. Most people might associate the day time with boring everyday activities and the night with parties and having fun, but we wanted to break away from this so we have included both boring activities in the day and night as well as fun activities in the day and night. The video doesn't really flow in time order of how things would happen but instead it keeps flashing to new parts of the same day(s). This was because the tempo of the music was constantly going up and down instead of a steady increase so we thought it fitted best for us to have the shots in order to fit with the music rather than in order.

Below I will now explain each shot explaining what the shot is, what is in the shot and why we have included that shot in our video. Also you can see we have made this storyboard on solid paper as oppose to post it notes as for our draft we needed flexibility of shots because we weren't sure of them but after receiving feedback on our draft we were sure of our shots for our final video.

Shot 1. This is a mid shot of Josh walking towards the camera holding a spray can and shaking it. 
Shot 1.1. This is a close up shot of Josh spraying the camera, although it appears as if he is spraying the audiences screen.
Shot 1.2. This is another close up of Josh spraying the camera and the screen then turning completely black.

There is no music for these shot as we had seen in other Hip-Hop music videos they had intros but didn't have any music playing, we thought this looked quite good and was a good affect so we included an intro in our video. The reason we went for a shot of Josh holding a spray can and spraying the camera/screen is because we wanted to jump right into the narrative of our video. So here you have Josh walking up without a care in the world, seemingly having fun spraying away in the plain daylight. We really like this affect as normally you associate spray cans with graffiti and night time but we wanted to give a different take on how people viewed graffiti and we also wanted to reinforce the narrative of him having fun in the day and night. 

Shot 2. This is a mid shot/wide shot and the opening clip of our film, it is showing Josh waking up getting out of bed and singing. - We decided as our narrative was all about activities in the day and night there would be no better way to really start our film than a person waking up as this is how everyone usually starts there day. The music starts just as this shot appears on the screen to help show that the real film starts here. The tempo and beta of the song is quite slow at this stage so we decided we would show a boring activity happening here and waking up is a great opening scene as well as a standard everyday activity so we thought it was very suiting for the first 'real' shot. 

Shot 2.1. This same shot as above but a different action so we have listed the shot as '2.1' it shows Josh getting out of bed and walking away. - We wanted to keep the flow of the video going so we have tried to keep lots of movement to help make the change from shots stay smooth. By making Josh climb out of bed and walk past the camera it was very easy for us to move into the next shot as a motion had just gone straight across the camera ready for it to quickly move position and shot.

Shot 3. This is an over the shoulder shot of Josh standing looking in the mirror singing and brushing his teeth. - We have included this shot to stick with the whole action of him getting up and getting ready for the day ahead. We went for an over the shoulder shot so we could show both Josh and his reflection in the mirror we thought this made the shot look appealing and also added theme of having fun and being boring. This is because although we can see Josh's reflection in the mirror we can't actually see his face so all we know is Josh is brushing his teeth whilst his reflection is singing away. This shows almost two parts of Josh one happy part were he is enjoying life singing as he goes and one boring part were he stands there and brushes his teeth.

Shot 4. This is a mid shot of Josh reaching out for some shaving foam as he stand in bathroom singing. - We went for this shot again to keep the flow of everyday life and getting ready but also to fit the song. The lyric for this part of the song is 'I look for peace but see I don't attain' so we thought it would be quite fitting for Josh to be looking for something at this moment. We also had to make sure he got what he was after so it was clear what he was reaching for and didn't confuse the audience and keep them thinking what was he doing.

Shot 4.1. This is the end part of the shot above it is simply Josh pulling down the shaving foam can towards himself. - We have again used this shot to help us switch shot we have included a movement of him pulling his arm right the way across the camera so it was easier for us to change into the next shot without it looking 'Jumpy'.

Shot 5. This is mid shot/close up of Josh sitting at the table playing poker with his friends and singing. - Here we have completed changed location and place in time this isn't because the tempo of the music has changed but again because we wanted to fit in with the lyrics of the song as well as add interest because the previous shots we are quite boring as nothing much was really happening. The lyric for this part of the song is 'What I need for keeps, this silly game we play, game we play'. So we thought including a scene of him playing a game would be quite suiting, it was easy for us to decide that he should be playing poker as it is a very Hip-Hop thing to do as gambling winning money showing off money is what Hip-Hop is all about. Also this shot shows him having fun again so we now have clips of him enjoying his life rather than clips of him doing boring everyday things and showing little interest.

Shot 6. This is a shot of Josh pushing some chips on the table repeatedly for a few seconds and then completing the action and pushing the chips into the middle of the table to bet. - After we had decided we were going to play poker we knew we needed to include a shot of him throwing all his chips and going 'all in'. The music is quite repetitive at this part of the video so we thought that this would be the perfect time to include this shot as we could have him repeatedly pushing the chips into the middle of the table at the same repetitive pace as the music.

Shot 7. This is a quick mid shot of Josh sitting at the table singing and playing poker. 
Shot 8. This is quick whip pan around the poker table.
Shot 9. This is another shot of Josh sitting at the table singing and playing poker.
Shot 10. This is a long shot/wide shot of Josh again sitting down singing and playing poker.
Shot 11. This is the same shot as shot 9, however Josh is singing different lyrics.

The reason we have decided to include a lot of shots of Josh sitting at the table singing is because we wanted to maintain a constant lip sync through our video to show that Josh is happy and having a good time. Quite often people associate singing with being happy so we have played on this for these shots, we have also made sure Josh was smiling and looking happy to help emphasize he is having a great time at night playing poker with his friends. The whip pan was included to show how time is flying by again to emphasize he is having fun as time seems to go more quickly when we are enjoying ourselves.

Shot 12. This is a mid shot of Josh sitting down and pulling up a beer towards himself to drink and then repeating the action  for a few seconds then completing the motion of him finishing his drink. This is a similar effect to shot 6 as the music as the time is doing the same thing it is repeating on the same note and lyrics over and over for a few seconds so we have again used a small motion to match the beat of the music. Also we thought pulling up a drink would be a good way to exit the shot as it is a nice smooth movement that can be carried on into the next shot.

Shot 13. This is a mid shot of Josh pulling down a glass of milk sitting on his bed and singing. - We have taken this shot back to Josh getting ready and waking up. We wanted to constantly repeat and go back to shots in almost so the whole video almost worked in a circle and looked really smooth, so we thought it would be wise to keep going back to the boring shots as the music went down. The shot shows Josh pulling down a glass of milk this helps keep a smooth transition of shots as he is pulling the beer towards him in the previous shot and the down in this shot so when they are put together they will look smooth.

Shot 14. This is a side view mid shot of Josh sitting down on his bed, placing the empty milk glass on the night stand and singing. - Again here we have made sure we have maintained the constant lip syncing through the video to keep up our conventions. However we made sure that Josh didn't look happy in this shot as this shot isn't him having a good time but simply him getting up and being quite bored. This also took a spin on the singing and made sure that the audience didn't always associate singing with happiness.

Shot 15. This is a quick mid shot of Josh standing up and walking towards the wardrobe. - The tempo and volume of the music has been slowing building throughout the previous shots and it is clear it is about to pick up and become very fast dance styled music, so to match this we have cut down the shot lengths and made sure he is completing very quick actions to match the new beat of the song.

Shot 16. This is a mid shot of Josh standing up opening the door and walking into the wardrobe topless. 
Shot 17. This is a shot of Josh walking out of the wardrobe closing the door fully clothed.

We have added these shots as the music is becoming very fast so we needed something good to happen, we thought it would be a good idea if Josh was sitting at home bored getting ready for the day ahead and then had an idea to climb into his wardrobe put on some of his favourite clothes dance and just have a good time. Also we thought the two shots of him walking in and out of the wardrobe would again be very smooth and help us cut to the next shot.

Shot 18. This is a mid shot of Josh standing in a plain room dancing and singing. - We have decided to include this shot to show that Josh can have fun in the day time as well as the night so we have got him singing and dancing around which are activities we might normally associate with night. 

Shot 19. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling his T-shirt towards the screen.
Shot 20. This is mid shot of Josh dancing in the same position as above but in a new T-shirt and pulling it back towards him.

We decided to include these two shots as the music is about to kick in just after the T-Shirt changes and we thought that we would need something quite clear to show this visually. So we settled on the T-Shirt changing it changes just it time to the music kicking in and sets up the theme or style for the next few shots. We also wanted to show he is having a good time and he seems to be enjoying himself and it looks as thought he can give his shirt a quick tug and it will change this looks quite cool and he is clearly enjoying messing around changing clothes.

Shot 21. This is a mid shot of Josh pulling out his arm dancing and then banging his chest.
Shot 22. This is the same shot as above but in a new T-Shirt.
Shot 23. Same as 21 and 22, new T-shirt again
Shot 24. Same as 21, 22 and 23 again a new T-shirt, then dancing.

We have added these shots in as the bass kicks in quite a lot in the video and makes quite a distinctive beat as we had already included the clothes changing we thought it would be a good simple way of matching the beat. We have set up these for shots so he is repeating the same dance move or action whilst changing shirts so it looks as if the changing of shirt makes the big bass noise which the audience can hear in the song. We thought it was very important to match the beat of the song and this was a nice simple way to do it.

Shot 25. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh facing his feet outwards.
Shot 26. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh moving his feet inwards new pair of shoes on.
Shot 27. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh facing his feet outwards new pair of shoes on.
Shot 28. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh moving his feet inwards new pair of shoes on.
Shot 29. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh facing his feet outwards new pair of shoes on.
Shot 30. This is a quick low angle close up shot of Josh moving his feet inwards new pair of shoes on.

We have added these shots again like the T-shirt changing shots to match the beat of the music, the music is quicker for these shots though and there are more beats so each shot needed to be quicker than the T- shirt shots and there needed to be more changes. We have kept an action of Josh moving his feet in and out so it looks as if he is almost dancing and gives the audience a little more to look at without having too much happening in not enough time.

Shot 31. This is a mid shot of Josh standing and dancing, the pulling his jacket zip down and looking to his left.
Shot 32. This is a mid shot of Josh standing and dancing, the pulling his jacket zip up and looking to his right wearing a new jacket.
Shot 33. This is a mid shot of Josh standing and dancing, the pulling his jacket zip down and looking to his left wearing a new jacket.
Shot 34. This is a mid shot of Josh standing and dancing, the pulling his jacket zip up and looking to his straight ahead wearing a new jacket.

We have added in these shots for the same reason as the shoes changing shots and the T-Shirt changing shots but we decided to use a new item of clothing to keep up the effect and make it look new and help change it a little.

Shot 35. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling a hat to the right of his head.
Shot 36. This a a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling a new hat to the middle of his head.
Shot 37. This is a shot of Josh dancing and pulling a new hat to the left of his head.
Shot 38. This a a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling a new hat to the middle of his head.
Shot 39. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling a new hat to the right of his head.
Shot 40. This a a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling a new hat to the middle of his head.
Shot 41. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and pulling his hat up.

Again these shot have been included to match the fast tempo of the song but a new item of clothing has be chosen to keep up the change and create a feeling of something new and fun to show how Josh is having a good time enjoying new fun things within the day.

Shot 42. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and singing. - We included this shot again to make sure we could keep our artist lip syncing but we also wanted to show how he was happy now after he had found something fun to do so we have him dancing quite boastfully being very aggressive and in your face to show off his new clothes and new Hip-Hop attitude.

Shot 43. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and singing whilst pulling a phone up towards his face. - We have added this shot as a way to bring Josh back to reality back to the boring life. Often when people are in the middle of something they are interrupted by a phone call or a text message and previously they had complete forgotten about anyone else and were just enjoying what they were doing. This is the feeling we want to get across for this scene. Also the movement has allowed us to very easily get out into the next shot.

Shot 44. This is a mid shot of Josh sitting down at a table pulling a phone down from his ear and putting it on the table. - We decided to include this shot so we could cut from the previous high tempo dance scene to the calm scene of him playing scrabble at a table. Also the lyric for this shot is 'Hold the phone' we thought again it would be suitable to match this with a visual representation of the lyrics and matching the lyrics with images is a very typically Hip-Hop thing to do.

Shot 45. This is a close up shot of scrabble pieces spelling out the words 'Mr Solo Dolo' on the scrabble board. - We decided to have this shot as we knew we were going to include a boring non Hip-Hop game as we had already include a fun Hip-Hop game (poker) and we wanted to keep up the narrative of having fun and boring things in both day and night. As we had decided to use scrabble we thought it would be quite good to match the lyrics with the pieces of scrabble so we decided to include this shot as it looked affective and took full advantage of our shots and props. 

Shot 46. This is a shot of Josh getting out his chair walking towards the door and singing. - We have included this shot mainly to keep the motion going we used the shot to connect shot 45 and 47 to stop the change looking 'jumpy'. By having him get out of his chair and walk towards the door it would be easy to fit into the next shot as he was already taking part in a movement. Also we again tried to match the lyrics as in this clip he says 'He's on the move can't seem to shake this shake' so we thought it would make sense if he was 'on the move' for the shot.

Shot 47. This is a mid shot of Josh walking outside his house and singing.
Shot 48. This is a mid shot of Josh gesturing to his house and showing it off. 
Shot 49. This is a long shot of shot continuing the movement of shot 48.

We included these shots as the lyrics our 'Within his dreams he sees the life he's made, made' and we thought something that you can make is money and something you buy with that is your home. So we decided to settle on him walking outside his house and gesturing to that to show the money his made and the house he has built with it. Also it is quite fitting with the Hip-Hop genre as again he is showing off what he has got and what he has earned with his money.

Shot 50. This is a shot of Josh lying in bed ready to go to sleep.
Shot 50.1. This is a shot of Josh picking up a photo frame and singing.
Shot 50.2. This is a shot of Josh holding the picture frame by his side whilst he is sleeping and a TV noise texture is on the photo frame.

We have added in these shots as the lyrics are 'The pain is deep, a silent sleeper, you won't hear a peep, peep'. We thought it would obviously make sense for him to be lying in a bed but we decided to chose a different bedroom to show how his world appears different just because of how he is feeling, the room is now dark and this helps show that he is unhappy reinforcing the lyrics. To show his pain we thought he could be holding  a picture frame of a girlfriend he used to have and he is looking at the picture of them together and feeling sad as he has lost her.

Shot 51. This is a shot of Josh within the picture frame he just had, singing then throwing the hat at the screen and the motion being repeated. - We have made this shot quite strange as we have just shown Josh asleep so this is Josh's dream and him imagining himself within the picture frame all alone. The reason we decided to show this as he went to bed looking at the picture frame and the lyric he sings in the frame is 'The girl he wants don't seem to want him to. It seems the feelings that she had are though, through'. We also thought as the music is repetitive and the word through is repeated we could again use the repeated motion technique so we included Josh taking off his hat and throwing it towards the screen and repeating the shot to match the music.

Shot 52. This is over the shoulder mid shot of Josh looking into the mirror, singing and shaving. - We have included this shot as we wanted to show how life can be boring in the night time as well we have also chosen for him to be shaving as we saw him picking up shaving foam earlier but didn't see him shave. However we can presume he did and therefore it is clear this is the second time he is doing it and it is now a chore as it the second time in one day and it is really boring and he doesn't want to be doing it.

Shot 53. This is a mid shot of Josh sitting on the bed, buttoning up his shirt and singing. 
Shot 54. This is a mid shot of Josh sitting on the bed, putting on his trousers and singing.
Shot 55. This is a shot of Josh looking into the camera/mirror, straightening out his tie and singing.
Shot 56. This is an over the shoulder shot of Josh looking into the mirror, make some final adjustments, then doing up his tie and singing.

We have added this shot to help show he is getting ready, we have chosen quite dull dark lighting to show he is not happy as there is little light in his life. It is not clear what he is getting dressed for but he doesn't look happy so the audience should assume he is off to work late at night rather than off to go and enjoy himself. Also in the last shot of him getting ready we have him just tidying up and tightening his tie the music is quite slow for this scene but is about to kick in, so we decided it would make sense if there was some motion of some sort to show the change in music. To show this we have Josh quickly popping his tie up tight to his neck just as the music drops, this looks effective and helps make the change from this shot to the next smooth.

Shot 57. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and singing.
Shot 58. This is a mid shot of Josh dancing and singing from a side view.
Shot 59. This is a low angle, close up of Josh dancing and singing.
Shot 60. This is a close up front view of Josh dancing and singing.
Shot 61. This is a side view close up of Josh dancing and singing.
Shot 62. This is a close up front view of Josh dancing and singing.
Shot 63. This is a side view close up of Josh dancing and singing.

We have added these shot as the music has kicked in again for these clips so we thought it would be good to have lots of quick shots of him dancing and singing to match the beat and tempo of the song. We also decided to put these clips back in the day so the fast up tempo beat could meat the fun light of the day. We included lots of different angles and shots to add affect to the scene and make it look more interesting rather than sticking to just a few shot for each clip.

Shot 64. This is a shot of Josh throwing a hat towards the camera/screen.
Shot 65. This is a shot of the hat landing on the camera/screen covering it up.

We have added in these shots as earlier on whilst watching Josh in his dream we saw him throwing a hat at the screen but didn't get to see the end of the shot. Also as we started the video we something a bit weird and surreal we thought we would end in the same way. So we got a shot of Josh throwing the hat onto the camera to cover it up. Also the music stops playing before the shot ends so the music isn't playing for the intro or outro of the video. We think this adds a great effect and will make make the beginning and end of our video clear and interesting.

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