Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Casting Actors

Before we started to film our music video we had to cats our actors, luckily we all know people who are the right age for our music video also they are all into the same sort of music genres as us so they have similar idols therefore dress similar to us and already look like they fit in a Hip-Hop video. Because I am a drama student we all though it best if I was in charge of casting the actors. We asked quite a few people to play the roles and then as a group we narrowed down who we wanted to play each role.

For our music video we already had our artist (Grim) playing himself so we needed someone to play his other personality. We were calling this role 'Night' as it would be his night time personality we managed to narrow down to just two actors Arran and Stu. We eventually decided to cast Arran because we although Stu was also goo for the role we thought Arran looked older and we wanted the actor to look the same age as Grim.

 Here is the actor Arran who will be playing Grim's 'Night' personality.He is almost the dream of Grim's life and only comes in the video when reality is eliminated and shows the audience when Grim is dreaming; Arran lives a life of highness and is always happy making Grim want to be able to get this feeling therefore imagining he has got it. Arran only comes out at night to set the scene that at night everything changes and Grim is a new person but only in his mind. The scenes Arran is included in are all the exciting bits throughout the music video creating that Grim can only have fun while he is imagining or on that 'high' which he craves for. It just shows how he got into the drugs and loved the amazing feeling; we did not base are music video around drugs as we didn't think that was relevant, we based it around him 'imagining' and dreaming about what his life would love to be like;but the lyrics are symbolic for drug related things. Arran is Grim's only friend he has and also Grim's role model so Arran always is in control over what Grim does due to the fact Arran is in his mind, this allows Grim to believe he is doing the daring and exciting stuff with Arran; but eventually it all comes clear to the audience and to him that Arran is just a figure of Grim's imagination. Arran is not all good though as we show at the end as he disappears it creates maybe it is time for Grim to move on and get the life he has always wanted without just imagining it all.

Here is Arran:


We needed some more casting actors to be included in the poker scene. We could only get 1 more casting actor to come in short notice. We picked Stu due to the fact it was easy for him to come round as he lived next door to Arran therefore making sure when we needed him he would come over due to how close it is. He did not have that Hip-Hop look but we asked him to dress like that so he fitted into the scene. He is only in one scene and his job is simply just to pretend he is playing poker therefore he didn't need any certain high quality of acting skills to fulfill this job. His hair is long but when he was put in the situation of the poker scene he fitted in well therefore i'm happy with the job he did successfully.

Here is Stu:

We needed a girl in are music video to show the lyrics 'the girl he wants don't seem to want him too'. We needed a girl to be in bed with Arran then Arran changes to Josh and the girl disappears showing that he was imaging it all. The girl had to be up to a high standard of looks to fit into are media video. Also she had to get that Hip-Hop look which makes the whole music video's character much better and more effective. We tried to get a black girl as they have the attitude which Hip-Hop; we could not find one therefore we had to settle and find a girl who still has that attitude look. We picked Tylah as she has that look and would be very effective in are music video.

Here is Tylah:

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