Practice Covers
Too make sure that we produced a good album cover we thought it would be best to all practice making an album cover so we could play around with photoshop and find a cover we really liked. Once we have all made two covers we will look at which one we think is best and why and then decide if it needs improving or changing and all and hopefully be able to produce a final cover.

This is my first album cover that I have made, on the left is the original image I used for it and the right is the album cover. To represent the name and theme of black and white and to show that our artist has two different lifestyles I have covered half of his face in shadow and left the other half as it was. This shows one part of his life is dull, dark and boring where as the other there is light and it looks more interesting. I think the really hits home the meaning behind the song as it physically shows the difference in him. I have also edited the picture so that it is in black and white, this was because I thought as the album is called 'Black N White' it would suit for it to be in black and white. I have added a parental advisory sticker to help make the cover look more realistic. I have added a quite bold font because I think an album cover really needs a clear font that stands out so you don't need to pick up the cover to know which artist it belongs to. Again I have tried to shadow of the 'G' in Grim's name for the same reasons I put a shadow on his face. I think the repeated effect makes the cover look more effective and helps reinforce the meaning and theme behind the music.

This is the second practice album cover I have made again on the left is the original image and on the right is my cover. Again I have used the name and theme of black and white so I have added a black and white effect to the entire picture to help add a relevance between the image and the album name. This time again I wanted to focus the effect on the picture of the artist, I have create several copies of the same picture and moved them then reduced the opacity. This has created the effect that he is fading away I think the effect looks quite effective although I think I will need to find a better picture for my album cover as things like the watch and the corner of his glasses still stood out a lot so the picture didn't seem to fade as much. I have again tried to chose a very bold font for my cover to try and fit in with the Hip-Hop theme, I don't like it as much as the font on my original cover although I still think it looks effective. Also I have added lots of paint lines in the background and smudged them this has created an effect so that the background looks like the night sky I thought this was quite suiting as one of his songs in called 'day and nite'. Finally I have added a parental advisory sticker to just help show that this image is an album cover and not just a square picture.
I will try to use a combination of all the elements I have liked in both picture to create my draft album cover, I think both of these covers have turned out quite well but I think I will still need to play around with effects and picture editing to add a more professional looking finish to my draft cover.
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