Friday, October 1, 2010

Mims - Move If You Wanna

I really like this shot because it shows what the artist is wearing and that the clothing or footwear is relevant to the music genre. I also like the way the scene is slowed down, a simple way of inputting a good effect to make the music video appear more dynamic. 
This shot is effective because as the lyrics start to talk about the sun and heat, they edited the video  to make it appear as the sun gets brighter and makes the place seem lighter, this, in practise is a very simple editing technique.
This shot interests me because I like the use of lighting to make the environment seem dark and gloomy, after having most of the music video out in the light. The contrast between light and dark is something that we could look to do our music video.   
Overall this music video is something that we can take inspiration from, however allot of the video such as the twisting of the body's and the dancing in the background will be almost impossible for us to achieve. The start of the video is impressive because of the way the artist moves quicker by a jump cut, to make the artist move across quicker without making the video look poor.  I also like the theme of going in slow motion throughout the entire video although the music isn't slow it suits it because the at points the lyrics are slow. The way in which the artist is doing things relevant to the lyrics is also very intruiging, such as the laser at around 1.07 minutes into the song.  

1 comment:

  1. This is better Josh. Try and include some theory into your work though, this will be invaluable to you when preparing for the exam.
