Friday, October 8, 2010

Kid Cudi Talks About "Day n Nite"

This is a video of what kid cudi's "day and night" song is all about and he explains who "the lonely stoner" is.This is 1 of the main lyrics in the song and he justifys and explains in this video what it is all about. As he said how it was a gloomy shaddow on his life and he wanted to connect it with other that went through a stage like he did.

He explains how he was just by himself in a room writing lyrics for songs he descirbs the detail of his room and there was hardly any light therefore creating the "loner" lyrics in the song; it shows how he was on his own in a little song which creates and makes the emotion of the song how he is solo and on his own in his life.

He explains that out the window there was just a brick wall where he can see a little bit of light that was his only natural light he could see from his room. This could connotes how day is normal for him and night is like a dream due to drug related stuff he took (we are not using drugs in are final project). Also the brick wall could show how gloomy his life is and how the brick wall is the only outside feature he could look at showing maybe a connection with the plain brick wall to how kid kudu was at that time maybe no emotion due tothe drugs.

His condition he was in to write songs made him feel like he connected with "day and night" due to the fact it actually is from past experenice of what he went through to make this song; making the lyrics connect with other audience memeber who went through a stage like this. As he said "any body who connects with that, thankyou for connecting with that cause i am you and you are me" this shows how the other audience members who went through that stage which kid kudu being on your won no other people to socialise with and hardly any light. He says in that view if you have been through that "you are me and i am you" making that experience letting him connotes to some target audiences.

The whole video in genral just gives us a rough idea of why kid kudi chose and made the lyrics in this sort of way. It gave me a bigger and better knowledge of how the lyrics are effective and mean something.

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