Saturday, October 16, 2010


Our Artist
Josh Grimshaw is 21 years old and was born in Hackney, London. He is better known by his stage name 'Grim', and he is often recognized because he was part of Hip-Hop band 'Format Rumours'. He stayed with the band for 2 years but he left to go solo after turning 19. After going solo it took a long time for him to get him re-established into the Hip-Hop industry. Now he has produced several hit songs and is currently finishing off his hit album 'Black n White'.

The music video we are producing for Grim is his biggest song yet 'Day N Nite' we have already met with him and discussed the things he wants to include in his music video. He as already explained to us the meaning behind his songs and expressed the main ideas he would like to get included in his music video, he's told us the song is all about how is caught between to minds in who he wants to be and believes he is. He has told us it is like he is a creature and he is one person and day and another and night. We very proud of being asked to do this for this high established artist and will make it too what he has asked in a very high standard.

We decided in having two actors who are both playing one artist within our music video. The reason we chose to do this is to be original and different making the originality high. We wanted to show how one character is different to the other one but there both the same person; one is in a dream and his life is amazing, fun, and he does the things he always wants too. The other is him in his normal life as he is depressed and his life is boring.

Josh played his real life of 'Grim', the boring life he lend and showed that he did not enjoy his boring same old life leading to depression. He does not enjoy his life therefore he dreams and pretends he is lending another life of fun. The role Josh plays needs to have hardly any happy emotions when he is in his normal life to get the impression over to the audience to show his depression. He always dreams about having a life of fun hence him having a second actor in the music video which expresses his mind. 'Grim' in the lyrics of' 'Day N Nite' is explaining his past and how without the high he got of from certain things his life was not worth living. It is showing a very dark side to his life which means the song is a big deal to him. Josh is himself at Day but when it turns to night his mind takes over. Josh lip syncs all the words in the music video due to the fact there all sad and quite depressing therefore making it more realistic to the audience and creating that emotion which the words have. Also we have to cut a line between the audience getting confused therefore only having one actor miming makes it clear that he is the main artist and avoids confusion within the audience. Josh is very lonely and as the lyrics says 'solo' quite alot in the music it shows to the audience he is all alone in what he is experiencing creating the emotion of feeling sorry for him and making it see that his life is really boring and empty all he has got is his imagination to dream and think about what he would love his life to be. His only friend in the whole music video is Arran who is just a fragment of his imagination.

Here is Josh:

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