Sunday, October 10, 2010


We have made a quick pitch for our video we have decided to play a video in the background whilst we talk about our film. We have already discussed ideas before making the pitch and so it was easy for us to decide what we were going to say within it.

Pitch Talk
Below is the talk we did along with our pitch we played the video in the background whilst all four of us took it in turns to explain about our film and the ideas we had for it.

These are all of the ideas we have gathered so far from all of our research for our music video we will be using these ideas to help us create our storyboard for our video. I will also explain each for these ideas, say where we got these ideas from and how/if we have developed or changed them.

Storyline Ideas
We all decided that we would like some sort of storyline in our music video even if it was just a first one and we also all decided our storyline should be illustrative so our story was relevant to the lyrics in the song. So here our ideas:

- Have two characters playing the artist, the reason for this is the song is called "Day 'n' Nite" and the song talks about how at day time he is one person and and night another. We have also gone down this road but we decided against the idea of having one person come out at day and one at night. We are going to make it so the two actors are the two parts of his life; day and night. Day will be his real life and what actually happens and night will be a dream of what he wishes would happen. To represent this we are going to have both of the actors in the same situation but when it cuts from one actor to the other the situation will either get better or worse, depending on who it switch from to. The two characters will be seen together at stages within the video as the 'Night' character isn't real and is just 'Day's' imagination. - This was an idea we thought of as a group this strong idea was one of the main reasons we decided to chose our song.

-What happens in the video will depend on what is said in the lyrics, we are not going to stick to this fully throughout the video but we will have clips of it for example when he says 'What I need for keeps this silly game we play' we will have him or people in the background playing a game. Then later on he says 'I think I'm first but surely finish last' so we will still have the game going on and show someone losing. We will have lots of little things like this throughout the video. - This idea was gathered from watching lots of other Hip-Hop music videos as it is typical of the genre to hear something in the lyrics then immediately have it laid out there on the screen. We have changed this idea by not having it so simple so if it says money we wont just put money on the screen instead we will have something relevant to the lyrics. So if the song says money we might show gambling which is obviously a fairly direct link to money.

-Lip Syncing, we knew it was very important to include lip syncing in our video so part of the storyline will be lip syncing. However as we want two people in our video and one is real and one is a dream only the person who is representing his real life (or day) will lip sync. - This was a combination of many things; we thought it was important as  group to include it, we had seen some form of lip syncing in all of the videos we watched and our audience had given us feedback saying they wanted to see it in the video.

Filming/Editing Ideas
Most of the ideas for this were gathered round everything else because we first had to work out what was going to be in the shot before we could work out what shots we were going to do.

-Fast Pace, Quick Cuts, we wanted to make sure our cuts and shots fitted the tempo of the music as much as possible and as the music was quite quick we knew it would make sense to have quite a lot of quick cuts or shots in our video. - This idea was just something we came up with as a group as we knew it made sense to have the cuts and shots in time with the music.

-High Continuity When Switching Characters, we wanted to make sure it was quite subtle when we switched form one actor to another so  the audience didn't become confused. We are going to have the camera quick moving away from the actor so if it looked to the left/right of the actor went to a close up of something and then cut back to the original shot we could have switched the actor when the camera goes back to that shot. We also wanted to include things like whip pans which would blur the screen so again we could switch actor but maintain continuity. - This idea was based on knowledge gathered from other videos where something changes quite obviously and then distracts you, so we wanted to make sure when we switched it was subtle and didn't confuse the audience too much.

Effect Ideas
As a group we decide it was important to have a few effects in our video, however we didn't want big fancy effects like you might see in pop music videos we just wanted some small things to help add interest to our video.

-Graffiti 'Day n Nite', we had decided that we would have a small bit of footage before the music started so we thought we could include an effect here. So what we wanted to do is have someone come up to the camera with a spray can in there had and then graffiti the song title (Day n Nite). - This was an idea we got after watching Kanye West's 'Good Life', Chris Browns 'I Can Transform Ya' and Travie McCoy's 'Billionaire'.

-Actor Fading Away, there is a part in the song where he talks about a girl losing feelings for him and therefore leaving his life. So we decided it would be nice effect to have the girl fading away slowly as he is singing about it in the song. - This was another idea we came up with as a group, we came up with it after thinking of several ways of representing a girl leaving his life and finally settled on this.

-One Actor Holds Another In Their Hand, we wanted to make it look as if one of the actor on screen was really small and they were being held in the other persons hand we will probably have one of the actors also dancing as this effect happens. - This idea was taken from Wale's 'Chillin' when we see Lady Gaga dancing on Wale's hand. We have not really changed this idea other than the setting and who is doing it but we thought it would be good to include intertextuality in our video.

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