Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Question 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Question 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
The different websites and new technologies of which we have used during creating our music video;
Mobile Phones
Canon Powershot SX210 IS Digital Camera
Panasonic Video Camera
Camtasia Studio
Adobe Photoshop
Sony Vegas Pro (8.0)
Sony DVD Architect Studio ProMicrosoft Office
Question 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Mobile Phones
Canon Powershot SX210 IS Digital Camera
Panasonic Video Camera
Camtasia Studio
Adobe Photoshop
Sony Vegas Pro (8.0)
Sony DVD Architect Studio ProMicrosoft Office
Question 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Monday, December 27, 2010
Draft Evalutation
One Way in Which Our Music Video Uses the Normal Conventions Associated With Hip
Question 2. How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
Question 2. How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Evaluation Question 4
Throughout this project we have all used lots of different software/hardware and websites complete certain tasks. Each of these has provided its own unique functions and has somehow helped us to improve our project and make certain things possible here is all of the programs/technologies we have used and how we have used them.
-; This is a website which allows users to create a blog were they can create posts and share there thoughts with the world. We used this site so that we could post all of work online and keep track of it. By using a blog we were able to edit posts and use and easily add resources off our computers.
-; This is a site to upload and watch videos it is a great website and use by millions of users. We used this site to analyse other videos for research and to upload our own videos so that they could be watched by other and shown on other websites (e.g. facebook)
-; This is a similar site to YouTube however it is less popular but equally as affective for uploading videos. We also used this site to upload of video so people who don't use YouTube could watch it and hopefully we could gain more feedback
-; This is a site where you can create short videos using media you have already stored on your computer it also has built in affects which allow you to create a professional looking video. We used this site to create our pitch because it is a great way to combine lots of media (pictures, music and text).
-; This site allows you to upload word documents and turn them into a virtual document where you view it as a picture but you can still navigate through the document and select text etc. e used this to upload most of the work we had created in Microsoft word.
-; This is a social networking site that allows users to communicate with lots of other people online it is also a great place for keeping track of artist. We used this website to help advertise our artist.
-; This is a similar site to Myspace but it is more popular and not really used for music. We used this site to communicate with each other and to gain feedback for our videos.
-; This site allows people to post short messages usually of what there doing at the time and broadcast it to the world other users can they follow the person to get updates from them. We also used this site to help advertise our artist.
-; This website is similar to scribd in the way it allows you upload documents so they can be converted into a format where they can be viewed on websites, however this site is mainly for power points. We used this site to upload our power points to our blog.
-; This is a news/TV website which has information on almost everything latest news, sport weather etc. We used this site so we could look at the weather to help us decide when to film.
-; This website is an online encyclopaedia is has information on almost everything and we also used this to advertise our artist so people could help find out about him and his background.
-; This is a search engine which will produce results for most searches made. We have used this site to find images for our research and to help us find everything we have needed to create our video.
- Computer; We have used a computer for almost all of the tasks for our music video we have sued is to visit all of the websites and also to edit our music video.
- Mobile Phones; We have used our mobile phones as a means of communication between each other and also to take pictures of our filming, locations artist etc.
- Panasonic Video Camera; This is the video camera that we all decided to use to film our music video.
- Camtasia Studio; This is software that allows you to record what is happening on you screen (screen capture) we used this software to record our editing and also to get some clips for our research.
- Adobe Photoshop CS2; This is software that can be used to edit pictures and to change them to how you want them to look. We used this software to edit pictures mainly the ones for our album cover but we also made some pictures for our research and to help make our work easier to understand.
- Sony Vegas Pro (8.0); This is a professional editing software which we used to edit our entire video after filming it.
- Sony DVD Architect Studio Pro; This is a software that allows you to get video files off your computer and burn them to disc we used this software to burn our video to disc.
- Microsoft Office; We used this software to create all of the work we couldn't complete on blogger, this software includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power point and a few other software's but we did not use those.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1
For question one we decided to make a cribs video that would show where we filmed our music video so that we could go round or location and talk about all of the places where we filmed and how they have fitted or not fitted in with our genres conventions. Also we decided that this would be a good idea because it meant that we could talk about all of the props that we used in our music video. We used lots of hip hop props to make our video look more realistic and we thought that using cribs would be a good way of being able to talk about them.
Josh N,
Josh S,
Our Music Video
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Cribs Location Idea - Evalutaion
We wanted to create a Cribs video for are location to give it that unqiue and different to everyone else boring and common pictures of there location. We will be doing the picture post on the location as well but we wanted to add something extra which no other group would have. Our idea was to create a cribs location video which would include the whole location but it would be acted like 'Grim' showing hus house which was actually the whole location we used. We thought this was a very good idea as it made us use more connsepts within are whole blog.
Here is an example of a Cribs youtube clip:
As you see he shows the audience his house 'Crib'; i love this idea as it makes it a better and more fun way for us to explain are location. He has got little clips of his music videos within him showing them round his house; I like this because it adds to just the location because it is showing the audience a little background of lil waynes music videos as well. I like the way when he shows something they do some sharp shots within the music video just makes it look more proessional and better. This example is good because lil wayne fits are genre and as you see in there he shows of his money with his diamonds; this creates the normal Hip-Hop artists character and is needed to make them and give them that 'Gangster' fashion. Also he shows of his money with his cars again bregging and showing his cockiness which a artist of his genre needs to have to make people love them - just the way this genre is, its all about money, girls, cars, diamonds and there songs basically the Hip-Hop culture loves money.
Here is an example of a Cribs youtube clip:
As you see he shows the audience his house 'Crib'; i love this idea as it makes it a better and more fun way for us to explain are location. He has got little clips of his music videos within him showing them round his house; I like this because it adds to just the location because it is showing the audience a little background of lil waynes music videos as well. I like the way when he shows something they do some sharp shots within the music video just makes it look more proessional and better. This example is good because lil wayne fits are genre and as you see in there he shows of his money with his diamonds; this creates the normal Hip-Hop artists character and is needed to make them and give them that 'Gangster' fashion. Also he shows of his money with his cars again bregging and showing his cockiness which a artist of his genre needs to have to make people love them - just the way this genre is, its all about money, girls, cars, diamonds and there songs basically the Hip-Hop culture loves money.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Communication and Organisation
We used facebook to communicate quite a lot, this allowed us to talk to each other for free and simply. We just set a time when are team needed to come on to talk about what we need to improve and also what we thought was good and bad about are music video at the present time.
We used a feature which allowed use to create a group for are media project and with this all are team and write on the wall saying what they thought of the days work or a message for the team if there not online. This is good because it allows communication to be good and effective as the message will get through to them even when they are not online. With this feature it allowed us also to have a 4 way conversation on the same chat therefore with this we can throw all are ideas or criticism onto one chat making it overall better as we can all discuss as a team what we plan to change etc.
This is a different way to communicate and it made us different from just texting and calling each other. We also thought as this type of new technology can save us all money on credit due to the fact we needed to speak to each other quite a lot when were doing the work; just in case one member got confused.
Facebook has became the best social site nowadays and with this technology were using to communicate we can all get create feedback from this site as together we have a total of about 3000 friends which will give us feedback allowing are project overall to be much better.
Also one of are members has just passed his driving test and has a car at the ready with insurance all paid for. This is good now due to the fact we can go anywhere in reason with this car, making are locations which we thought were to far away easy to get to and record.
With this car we can also pick the whole group and have a group meeting. This is good because we can discuss are feedback about are media project face to face in a mature group meeting; this allows all are idea to be known within the group.
This new feature within are group have allowed us to be able to film anytime any day therefore the night scenes we do not have to worry about the transport due to the fact we have it all sorted now. This overall it will make are music video so much better because we were having trouble filming at night; and with this car we can get these shots we have be dieing to get.
Sometimes we e-mail each other to see if were all doing good with the jobs we are doing. Also we e-mail each other to send information or pictures across with ease. Mikey is the leader of this group and he often asks and makes sure my work is ok and i know what I'm doing. These little e-mails make are communication better overall.
We are using all different types of communication because we want to show how we have different types of original features to communicate and do not just relay on one feature. With this it makes sure we can also speak and talk to each other because for example if facebook server is down we have other ways to communicate.
This is are admin privileges on blog spot. Mikey is an admin of the blog as he is the leader of the group so being an admin allows him to edit our posts and make sure they have the correct labels and the blog posts are titled correctly. Also it allows him to organize the way the blog looks so he can add picture like the header picture that says 'Black N White'. Overall this improve the organisation of the blog.
We had a few problems with communication and organisation which created us to lose time for filming and doing certain tasks.First of we could not get hold of some actors when we needed extras to be in are music video this meant we had to get a male actor for a scene which we needed a female actor making are media music video not look as good as it could.
1 other factor we had was when we needed to film some of are group where busy and we all were busy at different times making us have to cancel plans and sometimes miss some filming time out as we all had personal stuff to do after school. This is not good because it means we have to film on days which we all are not busy which will only be 1 day a week; on the other hand we could cancel the personal plans 1 time a week therefore upping are filming time to 2 times a week which will be much better for us.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Final Digipack And Poster Feedback
This is my final album cover. I posted it on facebook to see what the reaction would be as you see everyone went wild for it; there were 30 odd comments but I could not fit them in on this screen shot. Also there were 33 likes to my album cover which I was very happy about. Everyone was saying how good it looked and how effective it was. I'm very happy with this feedback as it makes me feel like I designed and picked the correct final album cover as everyone seemed to like it. I used a different technology but the best way to get feedback in my eyes; as i have all my mates on here it is easy for them to like it and comment also it is simple to do and takes 2 seconds to post on. This idea i liked due to how big facebook is and how many different types of people I had on facebook; even the people who didn't like Hip-Hop seemed to like the album cover therefore i'm very happy with what I produced.
This is my final poster for Grim. As you see i posted it on facebook to see what my mates thought of the poster - this technology is very good as it made my life so much easier being able to get the feedback i wanted. I was scared at first to see if people liked my ideas but as you see it went down amazing with my friends. 52 people liked my picture which I was amazed about this showed to me that it was good and effective to my target audience; I new this because most my mates on facebook like my type of Hip-Hop genre we had therefore I am very pleased with the feedback I got. Also 30 plus comments where made but I could not show them all as they would be to big picture. Overall very happy with the feedback I got as it allowed me to see if it actually looked good or not from my mates point of view therefore extremely happy with what my final poster outcome was.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Final Poster
After 2 drafts of poster I have finally finished my poster. After my first draft I thought I was way to crazy and colourful to have as my poster therefore I decided to do a new poster. On my next draft I mad a really good poster but again I forgot that I had to suit it to what colour and theme my album had therefore I had to do a 3rd poster which is now here.
As you see when I was designing this I had to think about the colours so they matched towards my album; this was a key part to my task and if I did not succeed this part of the task where the album and poster should be the same colours and match a little I would not be able to get full marks. As I was making this i looked at the album cover and seen that most of my album cover had the theme and colour of red making me easily choice to have mostly red on the poster (well for the main parts). This is good because then they can match the poster they seen to the album when it is released. I started of by the Top header which i named the album name of course so it stood in the audiences head; I did this because they will need to remember that for when the album comes out therefore when they see it they think about to the poster and then buy it due to the advertising technique. If you look closely into the title you can see the whole word is repeated about 10000 times inside ambition so the word ambition in little words make the big title ambition. I did this to show of what I can do with photoshop also to give the post the professionally look; as well as with this marketing technique when the customer looks at that title there looking at loads of different words which all say ambition again making the word stick in the audience head much more. The red font made it stand out and also fitted what the titles theme colour was making them to look like there part together which I wanted. The title standing out is good because it catches the audiences eye, even if they walk past and have a quick glare that word ambition will stay in there head due to how much it stands out. I then wanted the Title to look even more better and professional so I made the shadow of the title underneath it; this gives the effect of originality again as not many posters use this effect therefore again making my poster be different from others meaning it will stand out even more.
I wanted to keep the background plain and simple so the important bits stand out from everything else; I choice to take a risk and leave it white as most posters insert colours in the background, again I want to be different from just 'every other poster' I wanted mine to be better then every other poster, I wanted mine to be different then every other poster therefore I just left it white. I think this was a very good idea because if you look at the poster at a whole the key and tricky effects I inserted stand out more making the audience respect how good the poster actually is. Also this saved me time trying to find a good background which compliments the pictures, text and title therefore overall a amazing choice in my eyes.
I then needed to decide where i would be placed within the poster now and what i would look like. It flashed back to me at this moment that on my album there where 3 pictures of me all on different covers but altogether 3 pictures. I thought to do a skilful move and maybe insert 3 of me on the poster not many people will notice but again it will be following the theme of the poster therefore getting my grade up higher. With then i have to decide to get 3 picture of me 1 in the middle , 1 in in the left and 1 on the right; these pictures I wanted to have the cool look and have the Hip-Hop culture 'swagga' look again therefore I had pictures with his hood up making him look more 'gangster'. This is effective as it still has the Hip-Hop theme which I have carried on all the way through making these products and researching of the poster and album. If you look closely to Grim you see that all over his body is writing again I wanted to make it totally different to other people posters; i wanted my poster to when a audience member to see it they just thought 'wow' that's why I made it completely original and effective. All over his body there are 3 words which repeat our; 'Grim' '13.12.2010 (album release date) and 'ambition' I including every single main important information all over his body so the messages get across to the audience; this is a clever technique as all the way through when they look at then poster all the key information I want to get over to them is running through there mind as it is everywhere on the page. The writing on his top is red so I carried on with the theme of the album making sure it suits and looks similar then what the album looks like; due to how the poster is about the album it has to have a similar theme to make it match. When the writing goes down to his trouser it turns to black and goes darker this is because the writing needs to disappear and stop before it starts going of the page therefore this is a key point for me to be able to make it stop with it looking like it was a professional job. Also if you look a picture and focus on some words you can see that i made ambition stand out on his body again; to me this is the key word I want this word to get stuck in there head until they see it in there local shop and then they remember where it was from key to me for a create poster it has to have 1 key word which the audience remember after reading it.
After I have made my Grim photos look to the standard I wanted them to look I then had to think about what writing I would have on the poster. I wanted to show when the album was out and make that stand out therefore they know that information from the poster; I decided to put it as a sort of stamp so it looked different again; also the writing stands out so it is simple and easy to read for the audience who read it. The date is clear so they know exactly when it comes out making sure that stays in there head even after they have left the poster. I like the boldness of everything of this due to how it is very important this date is if there a big fan ETC. The placing of this is perfect as it is just below the title on the right also on a diagonal sort of layout which gave it that different factor again making it original even further. I loved the whole way it was laid out and the font style also the boarder it just gave that sort of professional style and overall I thought it looked perfect for my poster.
I then thought I had to insert our 'twitter' for him so if they were interested they can find out more information about the artist therefore getting the latest about his album ETC. I wanted this on here so there is more information about him so they can find everything out if they wanted to know anything more. I put it in basic easy to read writing so the audience will have no trouble reading it avoiding confusion. I made it quite small due to the fact I didn't want it to stand out as much as the most important information therefore making it a bit smaller solving all the problem I thought may occur.
I then thought i need some reviews due to the fact every poster needs some good feedback to make the audience think that it will be good because of the rating they got. I didn't just want 1 feedback from a big magazine Hip-Hop company I wanted 3 to make the audience believe and think 'if there getting this feedback from these magazines its got to be good' this is amazing market technique as it is showing them its good before they even have brought it making them want to go and buy it. I just included normal black stars as i wanted to keep it basic and black is a smart colour making my magazine look even better overall. I changed the colour of each different magazines title name due to the fact i wanted them to know there individual giving them there own colour showing there all different giving the impact to the audience that the feedback is amazing. Also the writing was easy to read therefore avoiding confusion for the audience. I think it is effective as it fills more room up for the poster and gives the poster a much better feel to it in my view. Just overall makes it better.
I then needed to think about the record labels local and where it will go; I needed a record label logo within the poster to get the higher marks also it will make it look even more professional. I choice to put it in the bottom right corner as it was a easy and simple place to insert it. Also it is a common to place for the record label down there, therefore I went with the crowd and inserted it there. It is half black and half white therefore connoting what the record labels name is keeping it simple but effective. This is good because it was simple to do but it also has that professional effect on the audience therefore making my poster overall better again. There is a white border for the bottom bit to make it look different to the poster bit as it is the key information showing the relevance between them. Also the white box made the font easy to read therefore avoiding confusion for the audience.
I then thought i need to tell the audience who he actually is; I had no room anywhere so I decided I should put his name going down on the end of each letter within the top title. I thought this was good because it was different to a normal and topic choice of placement for a artist name therefore I loved it as it was total unique and original making it stand out from the crowd. I wanted to put it down the end letter of A and N so even though its quite small there are 2 of them therefore the audience still notice the name making them aware of the artist. I put it in black so it stood out and is easy to read therefore the artist wont miss it on the poster. Overall I think his name was needed to make the whole poster perfect therefore overall i'm very happy with this choice.
Finally I needed to put the website of the artist on the poster so they can look on that for further details making sure if they like the look of it they can do search and check it all out on the internet. I inserted the website in the bottom left corner so it didn't stand out but is easy to see for the audience to see it therefore it comes in use. I used the same colours as the record label for the website as it fitted it well with that bit and it made it look more like a theme then different colours all over the place; this makes it more effective and better to look out for the audience. Also makes it look more professionally done and also looks like I have took time planning the poster which I have.
Overall i'm very happy with what I produced and after 2 drafts of such hard work I managed to pull it out the bag with this 1 I think; everything I did on the poster I did for a reason and it all adds up to make it even more effective. the poster just in my view after I have explained it and I look back on it just looks amazing if i'm going to be big headed ;) love it in my view :D
Upon realising the date of the 13th being a Sunday I would of changed the date of the whole design to the 14th, however an underlying problem of photoshop features meant that through the development of design I had to rasterize the text layer inside the person to overlay the images to give the effect of the word making up the artist. This then meant when I went back to edit the image I couldn't change the text layer therefore I would of had to redo most of the image again and probably would of lost lots of the key elements which make the design key.
Here is an example of the poster in a bus stop
This is a prime example of my poster in a bus stop; as you see it looks effective and good therefore I am very happy with what my final poster looks like. It also looks professional and realistic which I love as well. Overall very happy with what i have produced.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Draft Poster
To create this Poster I used the program, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0. I began to create this poster by cutting out the original picture of Grim freehand by going around the whole image. I decided not to use the magnet tool as I feel using the freehand I can cut it out a lot cleaner and make sure every little last bit that I didn't want was cut out. This way to cut out takes a lot more time but I feel its well worth it. After cutting out the images of which I wanted to use, I then used the fill out tool to make the background black. Then I began to start trying out different effects for the image of Grim. I knew before I started to make the poster that I wanted the image to have a cartoon effect. There were many different cartoony effects that I could have used but in the end I decided on using the effect 'cutout' under the artistic setting. At this point the poster just had the image with the effect on a plain black background. I felt the black was too bold and made the image difficult to see, also I wanted white on the poster as our group is black 'n' white. So I selected white as the secondary colour and used the gradient tool, this tool allows you to draw a line and then it with split the two colours selected up and make them fade into each other, in this case the black and white. I tried many different places to draw the line and I felt this was the best place for it. This is because it gives the effect that Grim is coming out of the black into the white which can be seen as coming out the dark coming into the light or as it’s his debut album, coming out of the dark and coming in the spot light as to say he has made it. To finish off this poster I needed to add the text. I decided on keeping it short and having very little text, because as it’s a poster it’s not like many people would stop and read it, it needs to be more visual. Also in our research of posters we found that they don't tend to use much text either. I kept it simple by just adding Grim, the date that is will be released, the album title, the fact that is his he’s debut album and also the rating from a huge Hip-Hop magazine as this is likely to making people see and believe that is it a very good album as a big magazine has said its good. I simply made to stars by using the shapes tool, to get them all the same size I made one and then copied and pasted that 4 times so they were all the same size.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Draft Posters
I created this poster on photoshop for the artist 'Grim'. As you see i analysis Kanye West poster which was a sort of cartoon effect and had loads of colours to get the audiences attention due to it being eye catching. I wanted to make a unique and crazy idea for the poster therefore i went for a poster full of colours to give it that effect of originality. When i started i thought to start of with where i will place the artist within the poster; i decided to position him big and to take up quite a lot of the poster as the artist the main focus within the poster. I did this because as i researched into common poster i seen that normally they main the artist huge to stand out so i copied this idea and placed this within my poster. I made him look quite cartoon like to create the unique effect on the audience; i don't like following normal and common ideas and i wanted to make the poster stand out therefore adding this type of effect onto the poster gave it that craziness and weirdness of a different poster. I then needed to focus on where i was going to put his name within the poster and what font style and colour it will be; for this i thought long and hard trying different types of fonts and positions. I eventually thought i got a amazing font but with the idea of green being around it in the background of it. I decided this as i picked the most colourful colour for this background of his name because as i have explained before and as Lil Wayne's poster reflex's; the name of the artist is probably more important then them being within the poster due to the fact if someone don't know what they look like and have just heard there name on the radio they can focus on his name reflecting back therefore knowing who the artists is. The background to the poster is all just about different colours mixed together with different shapes making a crazy background which i love; this is good because it stands out and is eye catching which was the effect i wanted to create with the poster making the audience want to buy it/ go and look at it. I added the green glow from what was around the artist name around the artist picture of himself; this links them to together showing that them to are the same people, i did this so the whole poster was relevant and made sense. Also i did this because it avoids confusion the audience may not of linked that 'Grim' was his name but with this little colour technique it gives that little link between his name and his picture. His earring i had to make brighter so it stood out a bit making him seem more like a Hip-Hop famous artist as it is common for that type of artist to have piecing with big diamonds to show of there money and to keep that 'gangste' style, fashion and look. Overall i am very pleased with this poster i have made due to how unique it is; i focused a lot of my ideas from Kanye West poster cover which i analysed this helped me a lot as his idea and poster was amazing. I created something which was eye catching and good to look at which a poster should be. I wanted to show that different is better then simple and normal therefore making the poster totally original.
Here is what the poster will look like in a real situation
I decided after draft 1 I wanted something which did not look to complex, which stayed to a simple layout and was easy to understand for the audience. This is only a draft therefore I will not go in detail why i chose to certain things within it, as my final poster is exactly the same but changed in colours and little things within the poster. I needed feedback from my teachers and I totally forgot about the relevant of it having to be the same colour/theme ad the CD. With my poster having no relevant to the CD cover it would drop me down marks left right and centre therefore I needed to edit this poster and make the colours match with what colours were on the CD cover. It is not a big chance so I had no issue changing this to make it fit. This was good how I learnt from my drafts to be able to produce a good and high quality poster.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Draft Poster
Draft Poster
This is the draft poster I have made to advertise the album, I have tried to stick with the same them for the poster as I used in the album because after looking at other albums and posters I saw it was very important to keep a clear visual connection between the poster and the album as it allows for the audience to make a link in their head between the album and the poster. This means the audience is more likely to understand what the poster is advertising if they have already seen the album.
I have stuck to the same font and colour scheme as the album cover to help make sure that the two fit together, I have used the same distorted effect on the text and also I have added the fading and drawing effect to the picture. I have added the album name down the side of the posters to add a different effect and break away from the classic style of laying out text in the normal order. Also I have added an outline to the text to help it stand out and to make sure the audience could read it. I also changed the colour of the the letter just to add a bit if variety to the text instead of just black text all the way through. I have added the release date just to the side of the album name as I thought it was a very important convention to include because if people intended to buy the album they would need to know when it would be in the shops. I have also made Grim's name very clear and bold so immediately you can look at the poster and see who it is for and who it is advertising. I have used a different picture for the poster as I didn't want it to be too similar to the album cover and I wanted to show the artist in different perspective. I went for a similar pose and the same clothing as the other shots but I also included a hat and made sure I chose a bigger picture as I would need it to fill an entire poster rather than just an album cover.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Draft Poster
I have kept this poster very basic, this is because the easier it is to abstract information of the poster, the more likely you are to take in the information. Also the less writing there is on the poster, then the more likely the audience is to actually read the writing and acknowledge the information. These elements I feel help in terms of effectiveness, and easily gets the message across to the audience. The poster is also similar to the album cover. I have done this to promote a certain theme that can be easily recognised, this would help in terms of marketability and shows that the album is connected to the poster. Another reason I like this poster is because of the red hat also attracts attention from the audience because it stands out in the black and white background, as well as the different fonts creating an original effect. Overall the main principal of this poster is originality and simplicity.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Making the Storyboard
These pictures are of me making the final storyboard and also the draft storyboard. I based the storyboard of the shot list which we had created as a group. From the pictures above you can see some of them were on blue paper. this was our draft storyboard. we had already made one previously but felt that we should redo it and make it neater and clearer to understand.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Draft and Final Digipack
We didn't have a decision on the name of the album at this point so i named it to what i thought was a good album name making when we decide the feel project we have more ideas for what to call it.
As we all had to create different covers separately i had to make sure my covers were up to a high standard. I decided after 2 days that i did like my first album cover design therefore i started again but this time i made the front cover, back of the album, behind the CD cover and the cover next to the CD therefore all together i have 4 covers for the album. This at the end will create my own digipack. Also i may print it off on a CD and show an example of a live model therefore showing the audience what it looks like in a real prime example.
Front Cover
Back Cover
extra panel 2
My Digipack
I then last minute got told i needed to produce 6 panels so i had to create 2 new 1's this was bad due to the fact i got told i can make 4 but i had to sort this issues weather it was fair or not. I decided that i should just keep it simple for the last 2 and made the deision just make 1 red and 1 black to connote the theme of the whole album and just to give it that effect of 'i dont have to say anything more just listen to it now'. It plain and simple to do and also so effective.
This is the 2nd open panel i choice red again to follow the theme of the whole album also if 1 of my opening panels is black i need to follow it with red therefore making it easy and simple to do. I didnt want to complicate things therefore i carried on with the theme overall making it look more effective and not so much for the audience to take in when they look at it. Again this red screen presents in the album how maybe it is fun in some section and exciting due to red being bright and stand out. As his album main album is Day N Nite on it and as i said above sometimes he lends and boring life which connotes black and sometimes he lends and fun life connoting red therefore creating this this mix emotion to the audience even before they have listen to the album. Overall i think this was a create idea due to the fact as it was simple quick to do but still has that effect which is needed to make it amazing.
My new Digipack
I used photoshop to use this to create the digipack as it is simple and easy to make it on there therefore making it overll quicker to get it done.
As we all had to create different covers separately i had to make sure my covers were up to a high standard. I decided after 2 days that i did like my first album cover design therefore i started again but this time i made the front cover, back of the album, behind the CD cover and the cover next to the CD therefore all together i have 4 covers for the album. This at the end will create my own digipack. Also i may print it off on a CD and show an example of a live model therefore showing the audience what it looks like in a real prime example.
Front Cover
This is the Frint cover idea i thought of which i made on photoshop. I made a draft before i started to make my real idea just to get a feel of photoshop as i have not used it for a long time; with this practice it made sure i new i could still use photoshop ad allowed me to see what sort of standard i could produce. I was not happy with my first design therefore i made a new album cover. I wanted to create him cartoon like on the front cover to make it stand out from the rest of the normal and boring album covers; i like the way it looks as it is such a simple picture and i have made it look so effective with just making it look cartoon like. The pictures i inserted were just of him looking down on the ground and the camera was above him. I needed to insert the 'parental guidance' on the album due to the fact all my research i have done on album covers mostly every Hip-Hop album cover has this icon making it common to the attitude of the Hip-Hop culture. It also adds that look of professionalism and makes it all look even more realistic that it is a real album cover. The bars in the background i wanted to be sybolic to music bars and as it goes higher the music goes higher adding that effect of a high paced album due to the fact it is very fasted pace througout. I wanted 3 pictures of him all the same picture but reserved because it looks good and is very unique idea; also the artist face us everywhere on the album which is a key marketing techinque as if the audience see his face and heard his music which they liked they will go and have a look at the album. I got this idea from a 'oli murs' album cover as he had about 6 of him all in different shots. The white and red theme went well with the clothes he was wearing therefore i added this into it so the background compliments his clothing. The artist name is in black font so it stands out and the artist look at it; i decided to make the 'm' in grim drag a little down the page. I did this because it is tottally different to what a normal album cover artist name would be done as therefore i added that orginal effect and made it stand out from the crowd. The album name is near the middle going down; it is in black font again due to the album name is about the album how he has had a abition to be a music star and now he has it. I again wanted to be different and not be boring and simple therefore i made it go down the page and not go across again giving it thet unquie effect. Overall im so pleased with my idea i created, it stands out which i wanted to do, looks professionals and is up to the high standard which i wanted to produce therefore i am very happy.
This is the back of my album cover I made on photoshop. As you see i wanted to try to make it basic to design but look good as well. I had to start by thinking what colour the background should be for the back of my design; my first thought was white but I believed that was too simple so i decided i was going to make the back white and grey because it stands out and also it is easy to find a text colour which suits that background and also is easy to read. I split the colours in section so it did not just look boring and simple; it was in a circular format going diagonal up the page giving it that extra professional touch. I then wanted to insert some colour into the back therefore adding the bars which were on the front page onto the back; this carries on the album theme making it suit all the way through. The bars go up and down connoting music bars showing how it goes high and low; this shows that the album may be upbeat and different some songs may be quick and fast beaten, and other may be slow therefore making the audience wonder what the album upholds. I inserted the bar code onto the back to give it the realistic feel to it also showing me what it would look like when it was in the shops as the bars always get stuck on. I placed it at the bottom corner in the right to follow where it normally would be placed; i wanted to go with the crowd in this section as if it was placed anywhere else it may confuse the audience; as well as if i put it bottom left it would cover the bottom song. As well if I placed it at the top it would look out of place therefore the bottom right was perfect for the bar code to go. The song writing stood out in black writing which was easy to read so the audience can read the song titles with ease; also I made sure the colour of the text complimented the background so there was no hardness to read any of the album. The 'Track List' was bigger then the tracks so the audience new what there were reading and for the audience members who lacked commend sense avoided them to get confused. Over all i'm very happy with the back of my cover as it was easy and simple to do but also had that professional feel towards it; I made sure it followed the colour theme from the front cover so the whole album went well together. I completed it to a very high standard in my view making me overall very happy with it.
Cover Next To The CD
This is the cover next to the CD. I wanted to be able to follow the theme of the whole album cover again therefore I used the same type of I used in the front page making it follow the whole theme of the rest of the album. Also the colour I made sure it was read and black due to the theme there where no bright colours within it and no variation; therefore I could not break this I had to carry it on within every page of my album. I based 'Grim' in the middle of the album due to this cover will only have him on therefore he had to stand out making him fill the page; this is why he was placed in the middle of the album. The red colour around him made him stand out and show he is important; making him stand out also making the audience eyes draw to the picture. The black background for the rest of the cover again made the whole red colour and the artist stand out even more as the black background compliments the red colour and picture. This was very simple to do therefore allowing me to have no trouble making it; this is good because it saves me time to make the rest of the album. Even though it was basic to do it still was completed to a high standard and looked professional making me really happy with the design.
extra panel 2
This is the cover behind the CD. I needed again to keep this to the whole album them making me have little choice in what colour i could use within this cover. As you see I choice black and red colours in the cover just like the cover next to this cover; I did this because I reckon it would be quite effective to have sort of the same covers next to each other with the same colours. This time the pictures was him in a hoody with his hood up looking away from the camera; I had to have a sort of 'rude boy' picture to make it again create that sense of Hip-Hop culture which I have been going on about all the way through my album research. This picture had to keep this culture going through the album as it was lacking in this. The colour of red goes all the way round the artist making him stand out and look important which he is; also it gives that sense of dangerous which in the Hip-Hop culture they all have for example 50 cent; he has been shot 9 times due to his lifestyle therefore creating this impression to the audience with this colour. Grim is in the middle of the page because he is everything within the cover; therefore putting him in the makes him stand out and take up more of the page so there are no big gaps on either side, this may make it un-professional. The black background compliments the red colour around the picture making again stand out even more which is effective as the audience look at the artist straight away. Again as I had to keep to the basic theme of the album it was simple to do allowing me to complete it with ease and without confusion or mistakes. Overall i'm very happy with my cover as it is effective and keeps to the theme I wanted throughout my album; also it was done to a high standard making the whole album overall in my view very good.
My Digipack
I used photoshop to create this digipack; as mine is only 4 pages it was simple and easy to do. Photoshop makes it easy for you to crop and move certain flies onto one and other therefore creating it was simple and easy to do. As you see there out crosses within the digipack i did this to prove i actually made it therefore having a realistic photo of what i seen when designing it. This digipack in my view is very good and shows simply designed and out together it is. My digipack example in my view is up to a very high standard and extremely happy with what i produced.
Cd Cover (changed idea from previous)
This is the CD cover panel. I kept it simple due to my time range and also it was part of the theme. It may be classed as boring but as it is following the theme it is all good. The black respresents how the album may be different as the other slide is red. Overall this is effective as it just adds the theme effect even more and makes it all look professionally done. When it is added to the album i belive it will still look good and up to the high standard even if it is plain. I didnt want to complicate things therefore i kept it simple. It also sends the message that maybe there is a dull side to the album as black respresents evil and depresion; this is like our song sometimes he lends a boring and depressive life and other times he doesnt which on this panel connotes his boring side.
extra panel 1
This is the 2nd open panel i choice red again to follow the theme of the whole album also if 1 of my opening panels is black i need to follow it with red therefore making it easy and simple to do. I didnt want to complicate things therefore i carried on with the theme overall making it look more effective and not so much for the audience to take in when they look at it. Again this red screen presents in the album how maybe it is fun in some section and exciting due to red being bright and stand out. As his album main album is Day N Nite on it and as i said above sometimes he lends and boring life which connotes black and sometimes he lends and fun life connoting red therefore creating this this mix emotion to the audience even before they have listen to the album. Overall i think this was a create idea due to the fact as it was simple quick to do but still has that effect which is needed to make it amazing.
My new Digipack
I used photoshop to use this to create the digipack as it is simple and easy to make it on there therefore making it overll quicker to get it done.
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