Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Final Video Analysis

Or final video in my view was very good and up to an amazing and high standard. Compared to out first draft it was much more improved and we learnt from our mistakes taking the feedback on board changing certain things which needed to be looked at. Overall i'm very happy with what us boys did and as you see our final project is a big turn around from what we did have as our draft. 

The first shot was him walking to the camera without any music on and him spraying the camera black; I thought this was good as it just is a good opening to start a music video; it shows it is not going to be a plain and simple boring song. We wanted the song to show mixed emotions and behaviour with the character due to the song lyrics and how our character was represented in the whole music video. Its good how it was blurred at the start and then it focuses on the character, then he looks into the camera and sprays it black. The blur just gave it that extra professional feel to it and main it look better which I liked as it made our video better overall.

The next shot was of him in bed; the music has just started now. He is in bed and is just waking up; the mise en scene for this was the camera positioned in the middle of the bed so you mostly just seen the whole bed and nothing else; we did this because it made the audience focus on Grim waking up and nothing else around him. He starts to sit up in the bed as the first beats happen to get ready to get in a good position for when the lyrics start; this is important as he has to be in a good position to be able to lip sync making it look good and effective so this movement is crucial. Grim lip syncing was very good and makes that whole opening scene effective. After the 'Day and Night' lyrics he gets out of bed smoothly showing the audience he is moving. 

The next shot is him in the bathroom brushing his teeth getting ready for work as his normal boring life is about; this is good because it shows the audience that he is a normal guy living a normal life. The camera shot was him looking into the mirror and the camera good see his reflection onto his face with him lip syncing in time. We did this camera shot to give our media video a variation of shots within it making it overall much better.  Camera then jumps to a next shot side on to him when he is still in the bathroom; he is lip syncing still in time and perfect. He then reaches for the shaving form as to make him getting for ready become more believable and realistic.

It then jumps to him playing poker and lip syncing straight into the camera this shows that he has just jumped to maybe night time when his life is totally different to what his boring normal life is normally like. He is looking straight into the camera miming for a about 3 seconds the lyrics this connects the audience to him and makes the lyrics feel and look like his own as he is looking straight into the camera. He then pushes his chips into the table and it is re-winded and played forward and re-winded several times but really quick so it looks very effective and good; we did this to show of what we could do within editing also as it went with the lyrics beats we thought it would look good which it did. It then jumps back to Grim and shows him singing again as he sings 'i look at this' the camera goes round the table really quickly showing a whip pan shot which looks proper professional and effective; we did it like this because as the lyrics say that it shows that were gonna do something quite good therefore adding a little teaser of our skills again within it.  The is singing for the rest of this bit and has not much relevance I could explain but in a bit where he is singing there is a short of mid shot which shows all the poker plays playing and also shows the mise en scene of the room; we had football shirts which were good and white wall which set our scene well. The last bit in the poker scene was Grim drinking his beer but again it was re-winded and played forward and re-winded over and over again but in a really face pace; we did this again to sort the beat of the song and lyrics making it all flow together and have relevant's to what he is singing.

As he brings the beer bottle down it transfers to him into another room sitting on his bed this time bringing the milk he was drinking glass down; this was effective for how good the transaction was it made the whole bit look professionally planned and edited, also it looked like we thought about the idea a lot making the audience know we put a lot of effort in it. Also we had to transfer from the poker scene to this scene and we thought the drinking of the glass and bringing it back down would look effective for doing this therefore we inserted it and it worked like a dream. When he is on the bed he just lip mimes for a little while showing the audience he is singing; showing the artist lip sync is very important and after the feedback from the teachers form the draft saying we needed to lip mime most of the lyrics we made sure we done this within our final one. The next shot is him walking into his cupboard where the door is already open then come out straight away and he was fully dressed; this was perfect as we needed to get him dressed but we wanted a good and effective technique to allow him to fulfil getting dressed. Also with this it makes the video more fun and less boring making the audience want to watch on due to the different media techniques the music video up-holds.

It then switches to him on the plain white wall dancing while miming the lyrics. It starts to kick in the song and as it hits the beat Grim taps his body in the same time as the beats our playing, every time he taps his body his shirt change. This is really good as it shows the fast beat of the song by just looking at what he is doing; also it goes in time with the song making it effective with the beat. We did this to again make it more fun and up-beat like the song is meant to be making it overall more fun for the audience to watch and better. Then we moved to the shoes changing when he moved them sideways then in; we used 6 different shoes in this shot and with the fasted beat paced music we had to switch the shots quick and fast making the whole story of the song suit the fast paced music; again it gave it that professional look about it and shown a different techniques again within our music video as we wanted to show different techniques we could use without staying boring. Then we made him pull his jacket zip down and up to change the jackets; we used 4 different jackets in here and again followed the fast paced speed of the song to suit the whole story of it and make it look more effective. Finally we changed the hats colour when he turned it; the colours were red and white which as we look on my album cover I focused on as it was a common white colour throughout the video. He then lip mimed a little but then pulled his phone out this again was for our translation so we could move from this scene onto the next bit; we wanted smooth transactions all the way the make it look smooth and to make all the editing perfect for our final music video.

It then changes shot to him in a sit in a different area but the phone is being brought down making the transaction look perfect, also it is good because the lyrics say 'hold the phone' so as he puts the phone down he mimes that bit. We wanted to make sure the audience can see the relevance within the video to the lyrics to give them a bigger and better understanding about the song. The next bit was a great idea as we wanted to show another way to show the lyrics so we decided to get a scrabble board out with the bits and write a little sentence from the lyrics on it; this is effective as again it is showing a different but original idea within our music video making it different but different is good!. He the stands up and walks to the door to show he is moving to a different place; this is good because it shows the audience he is moving places a avoids confusion within them.

He then walks forward to show the audience what he lives in; the relevance of this scene was to show to the audience as the lyrics say 'see the life he made' then a weird sound, we figured this out by him walking out his house miming then when the weird sound went he would raise his arms up and turn to face the house to make the audience take there eyes of him and look on his house. This is good because the audience will click on that the lyrics have meaning and also it shows we followed a clear narrative within our music video as we plan what the lyric actually mean and show to the audience.

We then cut it to him lying in bed again but miming to a picture then when he falls asleep he turns the picture towards the camera and the picture starts playing which is him dancing and lip syncing. This is good because again were bringing different techniques to our media video which other groups did not think about making ours different and original. The picture is him dancing and it zooms rite into it making it clear and easy to see but also you could tell it is still in the picture frame having that effect. The picture ends with Grim throwing his hat over the camera and again it has that effect were it goes back and forward again connoting the beat of the music and also the lyrics repeating itself.

It then jumps to a shot with him shaving in the mirror and singing as the camera can see his reflection; this again showing maybe he is going back to his boring life of getting ready for work as in the last scene he feel asleep the day starts over again; this carries on with the narrative and showing how sometimes he lives a boring and crap life and other times he goes mad and live his life connoting our whole sense of what we wanted to get across to the audience. It then goes to him getting dressed for work; we showed the audience this by the clothing we used. We used smart clothing to make sure the audience could tell he would be going to somewhere smart and the first think you think is work therefore it is obvious where he is going. He then stand up and does his tie in the camera pretending it this is the mirror giving the audience eye to eye and making them feel he is actually singing to them; this is effect again as it is a different technique to use therefore making out whole music video again more original and different from a normal and simple idea. It then cuts to him in the bathroom again fully dressed miming to the song while doing his tie showing again to the audience that he is nearly ready to go; effect because it showed him in there when he was half ready and now it showed him in there when he is fully ready; checking if he looks good for work.

The last scene is just Grim dancing while lip syncing with different camera shots; these shots are sharp to make it look more professional and less boring as it was just Grim miming to the song in the same position while dancing. The very last bit is Grim throwing the hat on the camera covering it blocking seeing him; we thought this was a good ending as it was pretty cool in our head and made the ending end with a good and simple ending. We didn't want to confuse the ending so we just put a easy end in which still looked effective to avoid confusion the audience.

Overall i am so happy with what we created. We made a music video which had some hard effects to do and made it look simple and easy which i liked because it shown we could do the task and complete it with a very high standard. We also learnt from out mistakes as our Draft was terrible and we got the feedback and made it 100 times better. Very happy with the lads performance well done guys :)

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