Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is the Twitter account we made to promote our artist and our music video. Nowedays social networking sites are one of the main sources of advertisement because it's free and extremely effective because the majority of people now interact with these network sites and can give the artist massive publicity. It is a type of advertisement that has become so common that almost all advertisement companies use it as it doesn't have many negative effects, however bad reviews or other people using these sites to critisise the artist is one possible negative effect. People also use twitter to communicate to their fans, so their fans feel more involved in the famous persons life. It is also a place where artists can say where they ae going and what they are doing, for example an artist could say that they are doing a tour around europe and straight away all there fans would see this and be aware and maybe book tickets to see them, and if this wasn't the case the fans may not have ever heard about the tour.

This is a good idea for us because now all of the fans for Josh Grimshaw are aware that he is releasing a new video, alone this is effective but also fans of Josh Grimshaw may retweet the post, this means that the followers of the fans would also be aware about the new music video and could further publicise our artist. We will get feedback by people sending us messages about the music video, or about anything to do with the music video. This will help us to further improve it and be as good as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Josh. A decent post. Add in details about how you can use it to get more feedback on your video from friends etc.

    In the evaluation you have to explain how you've used 'new media' technologies in your work so the more you 'blog' now the easier that question will be.
