Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Risk Assessment (Final)

To make sure all the people involved in filming and creating are video are safe we are going to have to complete a risk assessment. This means looking at where we are going to film and how we are going to film and seeing what possible risks or dangers there are and what precautions can be taken to prevent these.

These are the possible problems with filming in our chosen locations:
-House, we are filming the majority of the video within a house we will have to make sure people are careful going up and down stairs whilst carrying equipment. We will also have to make sure the house is safe at all times so if there is any major risk e.g. a fire or break in everyone should have been prepared with what to do so that they can get out safely and unharmed.
- Outside, we are filming some of the video outside the house and will obviously have to take precaution whilst filming as if the weather is really cold or it has just rained then in migh be quite slippy outside and therefore it could be possible someone could trip and hurt themselves.

These are the possible problem with our props:
- Spray Can, as the spray can has been compressed tightly with paint there a very high pressure inside it, so we will have to make sure we are all careful when carrying or using it as if we drop it too hard or have it near fire it could explode and injure one of us or our equipment.
-Clothing, we will have to make sure that all of the actors are wearing clothing correctly because if they are loose fitting they could get caught on something they could get damaged. Also if trousers are too baggy and hang down over the shoes or if shoes aren't done up correctly then the person wearing them could trip and injure themselves.

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