Problems with Filming
One massive problem we have had with filming on day one, Sunday 31st October, is that the tripod we have obtained is damaged and not very stable. This has massive implications when it comes to getting a steady shot and is something we are going to have to act upon. If we do not find another tripod the overall filming quality will be majorly reduced and have a massive impact on the final piece of work.Another problem was with the weather, although we planned to go out on the day that was most suitable, it still wasn't ideal as we wanted sunshine but got clouds. This problem is something we can't really alter as it is autumn now and can only get lucky with the weather. However we may be able to get around this problem through editing. If we do not somehow find a way around the weather issue, I believe that the quality will again be reduced quite dramatically.
Finally we had a problem with transportation. For me and Josh Stevens to get there we had to catch two buses which took over one hour and a half, this is a problem because it limits the time we can film as the last bus is at 6pm. However hopefully next week one of us will be able to drive, if this is the case it will make filming incredibly easier for the group as we can travel to other places to film.

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